Doggo Comics That Are Just So Heckin Relatable

If you love dogs, then you'll appreciate these.

  • Published in Animals
Doggo Comics That Are Just So Heckin Relatable

Khristian K Romey and James Buddy have collaborated as a writer and illustrator dynamic duo to create some of the cutest, funniest, and most relatable dog themed comics we've ever seen. Appropriately dubbed Hey Buddy Comics, the pair have been spreading joy via their Instagram account.

Every Tuesday and Friday they release a new comic together, each as funny as the last, if not more so. They also give big perks to their Patreon supporters. Today they have over 50k supports on Instagram and have even been able to launch their own web-store with T-shirts and more.

James Buddy, the writer has been writing short dialogues about his dog since puppy-hood: “The intense affection I felt for this creature I could not communicate with inspired me to imagine the conversations we would have if I could.”

In an interview with Bored Panda, he explained why he brought Romey to the team for artistry: "Recently, I realized that the huge collection of stuff I had written might actually entertain other people. The problem was they were kind of boring to look at in text form. They needed to be brought to life to have the same energy and verve as my actual dog!"

1. He's not wrong.

1. He's not wrong.heybuddycomics

2. True Love.

2. True Love.heybuddycomics

3. They know what we need.

3. They know what we need.heybuddycomics

4. Relationship Goals

4. Relationship Goalsheybuddycomics


5. SAMEheybuddycomics

6. It's better with YOU.

6. It's better with YOU.heybuddycomics

7. Balls are GREAT.

7. Balls are GREAT.heybuddycomics

8. Dogs are just the best.

8. Dogs are just the best.heybuddycomics

9. I'm not crying, you're crying.

9. I'm not crying, you're crying.heybuddycomics

10. Okay excuse me, who TF is cutting onions in here!?

10. Okay excuse me, who TF is cutting onions in here!?heybuddycomics

11. Good advice.

11. Good advice.heybuddycomics

12. Co-sign.

12. Co-sign.heybuddycomics

13. Friendship is great.

13. Friendship is great.heybuddycomics

14. Yes, buddy. It's your food.

14. Yes, buddy. It's your food.heybuddycomics

15. WTF, I didn't need this.

15. WTF, I didn't need this.heybuddycomics

16. I love it.

16. I love it.heybuddycomics

17. Or... OR!

17. Or... OR!heybuddycomics

18. Teamwork.

18. Teamwork.heybuddycomics

19. Accurate

19. Accurateheybuddycomics