Woman Discovers 'Lost' Cat Meowing Behind Sealed Tiles After Builder's Blunder

This shelter cat is now an internet star
The Internet is so obsessed with cats that it sometimes appears that's its sole purpose – so people can share their cat content. But the Internet sometimes just gives what we want, and the truth is that people have always been fascinated by cats.
Some scientists believe that it's an evolutionary thing – cats resemble babies because they have big eyes and small noses. Radha O'Meara implies that the reason for this fascination might be a cat's "unselfconsciousness."
"This, I argue, is rare in a consumer culture dominated by surveillance, where we are constantly aware of the potential for being watched. The unselfconsciousness of cats in online videos offers viewers two key pleasures: to imagine the possibility of freedom from surveillance, and to experience the power of administering surveillance as unproblematic," she said.
Whatever the reason may be, we are thankful because we have tons of excellent cat content online. One of the most viewed is this "Pulp Fiction" parody, which features a black cat in the most famous scenes.
Judging by the views it has, some people might think it's better than the original. Then again, cats tend to make things better!
The creators of this YouTube channel produced a tiny parody of the classic Pulp Fiction featuring their charming feline named Lizzy!
This YouTube channel is managed by animator and filmmaker Tibo Charroppin and content writer Olivia Boone. This creative duo is continuously producing new parodies of legendary movies and TV shows featuring their cat Lizzy.
And the audience is thrilled. Currently, there have over 350K followers on their YouTube channel and almost 700K followers on Instagram.
“We started in November of 2018. I was already working from home at the time as a freelance video editor. When I would be between projects, I’d find a way to remain active creatively.
"I’ve always loved making silly videos in front of the green screen that I then share with our friends and family—and so I thought, “why not make a fun, silly video with our cat Lizzy?” Tibo told the reporters.
“That’s how the idea came to be. Plus, Lizzy is very cute and playful so I thought it would be easy. Olivia and I both love movies, and I thought it would be funny to put Lizzy in Jurassic Park.”
“Olivia loved it, shared it with her friends, and it took off from there. We created the account after that as a way to keep all our videos in one place—that’s when we came up with the stage name “OwlKitty”.
"Now Olivia and I do this together, still as a fun hobby, and Lizzy always loves playing on top of the greenscreen. Nothing has changed in our process except now our little OwlKitty has fans around the world,” Tibo says.
“The idea came pretty naturally. I simply thought of ways I could combine our cat and our greenscreen in a fun, silly way. Putting Lizzy in existing footage, like in a movie, made the most sense,” he continued.
“On average, it takes about two weeks to make a video. Each video is different and comes with its own set of challenges."
"We share our behind the scenes between releases because they’re often a ton of fun. It also keeps our audience engaged,” Lizzy’s owner concluded.
Lizzy was adopted from an animal shelter as a kitten three years ago. “OwlKitty is 3 years old. Her real name is Lizzy, but we’ve been calling her an owl ever since she was a kitten.
"That’s because of her big round eyes, pear shape, and the fact that we can’t really see her at night. When we were looking at names for a social media account, one that’s unique and that people would easily remember, OwlKitty made sense,” Tibo described.
“Lizzy is very sweet, funny, and a curious little bug. She loves to play and cuddle with our other cat Juliette who is like an older sister to her."
" We love to share behind the scenes with our fans so they can what Lizzy is really like when we shoot. That’s part of the appeal. People come for the OwlKitty movies but they stay just to watch Lizzy be herself.”
When asked about the challenges of filming a cat, he stated: “Filming with a cat takes A LOT of patience. It’s hard but when we catch her at the right time, and she’s in the right playful mood, it’s really easy. "
"It’s important to have a good relationship with your cat and know exactly how they’ll react to certain things… They’re wired to always respond instinctively, so in that sense, it makes them surprisingly predictable."
"But Lizzy is extremely playful and easy-going. That’s what makes her so fun to work with.”
When asked about the inspiration for the videos, Tibo replied: “Olivia and I usually brainstorm ideas and pitch them at each other. "
"When we land on something that makes us laugh, and that’s achievable technically, we’ll do it. We also take many suggestions from our followers and let our fans on Patreon vote for the next one.”
“So far, OwlKitty has made appearances in such classics as Star Wars, Harry Potter, Jurassic Park, How to Train Your Dragon, The Shining, Titanic, 50 Shades of Gray and Risky Business. You can also find her in Game of Thrones, The Lion King and Stranger Things,” the channel description says.
Lizzy was adopted from a shelter, and her owners encourage pet adoption: “We didn’t think our platform would take off the way it did, but since it has, we’ve been wanting to use it to do some good."
"We’ve been promoting shelter adoption for cats and have been working closely with our local adoption shelter (where we adopted Lizzy) to help share the message: #AdoptDontShop. We’ve taken on other causes like Declawing.”