Before You Go See Avengers: Endgame, Soak Up These MCU Details That Are Super Important

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Before You Go See Avengers: Endgame, Soak Up These MCU Details That Are Super Important

Avengers: Endgame is a moment that has been in preparation for a very long time. No, that's not an exaggeration. A whopping 22 movies over the course of eleven years have slowly led up to this cinematic climax that has left billions of people globally foaming at the mouth with excitement. Young and old alike, fans from decades of Marvel comics, and newbies who didn't know a lick about the Marvel Cinematic Universe (also known as MCU,) are all deeply invested in every breathtaking, jaw clenching, gut wrenching moment that will be Avengers: Endgame.

It's not uncommon for hardcore fanatics to re-watch series like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings, or even Star Wars, as they prepared for the latest release in a die-hard series, but 22 movies over 11 years may not be feasible for everyone. Still, there are so many details and stories and plot-lines that led to this moment, so let us help you recap in preparation! It will surely enhance your Endgame experience.

Where it all began.

After introducing himself as an agent from the "Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division," Coulson mentions S.H.I.E.L.D. for the first time while attempting to debrief Tony on his captivity in Afghanistan.

Where it all began.Marvel

But wait, there's more!

It is also in Iron Man during the now iconic post-credits scene where Nick Fury makes his first appearance, ever! He arrives to tell Tony Stark about the "Avengers Initiative."

But wait, there's more!Marvel

The Incredible Hulk (2008)

Tony Stark approaches Thaddeus Ross at a bar to tell him that, "a team is being put together."

The Incredible Hulk (2008)Marvel

The delight is in the details.

In Iron Man 2 (2010,) Tony Stark mentions Dr. Wendy Lawson's Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. from Captain Marvel and Hank Pym's Project G.O.L.I.A.T.H. from Ant-Man and the Wasp. He also mentioned Project E.X.O.D.U.S. but we still don't know what that is!

The delight is in the details. Marvel

More delightful details.

Additionally in Iron Man 2, don't forget that the new element Tony Stark creates in this movie mimics the power of the Tesseract! Even better? You can spot a drawing of the Tesseract in Howard Stark's notes!

More delightful details. Marvel

Courtesy of the end-credits...

In the post-credits scene of Thor (2011,) we are treated to the first glimpse of the actual Tesseract (Space Stone) when Nick Fury decides to show i to Erik Selvig.

Courtesy of the end-credits...Marvel

Oh, snap!

Additionally, it is in Thor that, if timed correctly, you can spot a right-handed Infinity Gauntlet among Odin's treasures! It is in Thor: Ragnarok that Hela reveals it's a fake, but we also know today that Thanos wears a left-handed Infinity Gauntlet.

Oh, snap!Marvel


It was in 2011 during Captain America: The First Avenger that Howard Stark talks about vibranium. Vibranium is the metal that Stark Industries discovered in Africa, which he later went on to make Captain America's shield out of.



We also see in Captain America: The First Avenger that Howard Stark retrieves the Tesseract from the bottom of the ocean. Of course, that was after it was lost by Red Skull and Steve.


The Mind Stone

In The Avengers (2012,) we see the first glimpse of the Mind Stone. This, of course, is when Loki arrives in New York City and wields the stone in his sceptre.

The Mind StoneMarvel

But wait, there's more!

It's also in The Avengers that Loki steals the Tesseract from the Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S. bunker. The same bunker that Carol and Fury infiltrate in Captain Marvel!

But wait, there's more!The Marvel

Can you believe it?

Courtesy of the post-credits scene in The Avengers, we get our first look at Thanos when the Others tell him of Loki's failure. It's been seven years since we first saw Thanos!

Can you believe it?Marvel

This special detail...

In 2013's Iron Man 3, Tony Stark is stranded in Tennessee where he befriends Harley Keener. Keener ends up helping Tony get back home. Why is this detail important? Because according to a report by CBR, Harley Keener is a character expected to appear in Avengers: Endgame!

This special detail...Marvel

The Reality Stone

Also in 2013, and another beloved post-credits scene, it was during Thor: The Dark World where Sif and Volstagg give the Reality Stone to the Collector after defeating Malekith.

The Reality StoneMarvel

Eliminating Threats

In Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014,) Stephen Strange is mentioned for the first time... as a threat HYDRA wants to eliminate!

Eliminating ThreatsMarvel

Juicy Details

In a very deeply planted seed during The Winter Soldier, Arnim Zola alludes to the fact that Howard Stark's death may not have been an accident, and rather it was actually carried out by HYDRA. It is later during Captain America: Civil War that we learn Bucky was, indeed, the one who killed Tony's parents under HYDRA's influence. It is one of the biggest reasons Steve and Tony have a falling out.

Juicy DetailsMarvel

That's not all...

The Winter Solider was crammed with juicy details, including Nick Fury faking his own death and he relinquished his duties as the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

That's not all...Marvel

First Glimpses

In typical post-credit scene fashion, The Winter Soldier also did not disappoint. It's during that moment we are introduced to Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, who were experimented on and enhanced using the Mind Stone.

First Glimpses Marvel

The Collector

In 2014's Guardians of the Galaxy, the Infinity Stones are mentioned for the first time when the Guardians meet the Collector.

The CollectorMarvel


It's also during Guardians of the Galaxy that the Power Stone is eventually taken from Ronin and given to Nova Corps. In order to obtain the stone, Thanos inevitably decimates Xandar and the Nova Corps.


Sneaky Sneak Peaks

In Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015,) Tony drops a little sneaky Avengers: Endgame title when he tells the team that their biggest enemies are from space.

Sneaky Sneak PeaksMarvel

Wakanda Forever

Additionally in Age of Ultron, Wakanda is mentioned for the first time, by name, when The Avengers learn that Ulysses Klaue stole vibranium from Wakanda.

Of course, later in Black Panther, Klaue makes a much bigger appearance when he helps Killmonger get to Wakanda.

Wakanda ForeverMarvel

Dun, Dun, Dun!

In ominous post-credit goodies seen in The Age of Ultron, we see Thanos retrieving the Infinity Gauntlet... and declaring that he will find all the stones himself.

Dun, Dun, Dun!Marvel


The Quantum Realm is mentioned for the first time in Ant-Man (2015,) when Hank Pym tells Hope that Janet disappeared into it. Scott later goes into the Quantum Realm and successfully returns after defeating Yellowjacket.


A fan favorite moment:

Scott also meets Sam Wilson for the first time in Ant-Man when he breaks into the Avengers headquarters to steal the signal decoy. This meeting is significant because it leads to Scott helping Team Cap in Captain America: Civil War!

A fan favorite moment:Marvel

Sokovia Accords

In 2016's Captain America: Civil War, the Sokovia Accords are signed. This act leads to a major falling out between Steve and Tony. Additionally, in an interview with Fandango, director Anthony Russo suggests that fans re-watch Civil War before they go see Endgame.

Sokovia AccordsMarvel

Phone Home

At the end of Civil War, Steve mails Tony a phone that he can use if he ever needs Steve's help, despite all they went through. During Infinity War, the phone is eventually used by Bruce Banner to alert Steve and his team about Thanos.

Phone HomeMarvel

Bucky the Popsicle

It is also at the end of Civil War that Bucky is sent to Wakanda, frozen, to remain frozen until they can find a way to undo HYDRA's brainwashing.

Bucky the PopsicleMarvel

An interesting detail

Here's one you might have missed! In Doctor Strange (2016,) Stephen is looking for patients while he is driving before his life-changing accident. One of the patients he "passes" on helping is Rhodey, who suffered a spinal injury in Captain America: Civil War.

An interesting detailMarvel

Of course!

It's also during Dr. Strange that we see the Time Stone for the first time.

Of course!Marvel

A tasty treat.

During the closing credits in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017,) if you look closely you can spot the Grandmaster! This is intended to foreshadow his role in Thor: Ragnarok.

A tasty treat.Marvel


First seen in The Avengers, the Chitauri (minions of Thanos) are mentioned again in Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017,) when Adrian Toomes has their energy core.


Recovered a hero.

During Age of Ultron, Hulk fled Earth. In Thor: Ragnarok (2017,) we learn he ended up on Sakaar.

Recovered a hero.Marvel


In the post-credits scene of Thor: Ragnarok, a very large ship approaches the ship carrying the people of Asgard, along with Thor, Loki, Valkyrie, and Hulk. Later we will learn that ship belongs to Thanos.



In 2018's Black Panther, we learn during the post-credits scene that Bucky is living in Wakanda after overcoming HYDRA's brainwashing, which was thanks to Shuri.



At the beginning of Avengers: Infinity War (2018,) Thanos kills Loki after meeting up with the Asgardian ship. Loki had smuggled the Space Stone out of Asgard and that was what Thanos was seeking.


More Death

Also in Infinity War, Thanos kills Gamora in order to get the Soul Stone. The Soul Stone has been guarded by Red Skull ever since he was sent to space by the Tesseract in Captain America: The First Avenger.

More DeathMarvel

Incredible Fate

As well, it is during Infinity War that Doctor Strange views 14,000,605 future outcomes and learns that there is only one that the Avengers defeat Thanos in.

Incredible FateMarvel

And more death.

In one of the MCU's most soul-crushing moments so far, Thanos collects all of the Infinity Stones and successfully snaps, successfully eliminating half of the population.

And more death.Reddit

In case you didn't experience enough death yet...

In the Infinity War post-credits scene, because you didn't cry enough with all the death after the snap, Fury calls for Captain Marvel just before turning to Thanos dust.

In case you didn't experience enough death yet...Marvel

For the uprpose of re-living your Infinity War emotional trauma?

While you emotionally recovered from all the Infinity War death you may have looked forward to 2018's Ant-Man and the Wasp! It was great, until the end when Scott ventured into the Quantum Realm again and got stuck because, well, Hank, Janet, and Hope turned to Thanos dust before he could be pulled back by them.

For the uprpose of re-living your Infinity War emotional trauma?Marvel


In 2019's highly-anticipated Captain Marvel, Carol gives Fury a pager and tells him to use it if there's ever an emergency. Of course, as previously mentioned he used it in Infinity War.


The plot thickens.

It is after Carol leaves Earth that Nick Fury begins planning the Avengers Initiative. It is named after Carol Danvers.

The plot thickens.Marvel

A meeting.

Not to be left without a juicy post-credits seen, it's Captain Marvel's turn. Carol arrives at the Avengers headquarters where she meets Steve, Natasha, Bruce, and Rhodey after she was paged by Nick Fury before he died.

A meeting.Marvel

And finally...

The universe craves balance. Here are all the characters, confirmed alive in color vs dusted by Thanos in black and white.

And finally...Marvel