Redditor Gets Slammed Online For Refusing To Give Her Bus Seat To A Pregnant Woman

"I told her no because I was tired and wanted to sit down"

Redditor Gets Slammed Online For Refusing To Give Her Bus Seat To A Pregnant Woman

Let's face it, we have all jokingly said that men could never manage being pregnant, let alone the intense pain of labor. However, they would undoubtedly defeat us on one front: the law of asking and receiving.

I can't picture a man stumbling through his own discomfort while awkwardly avoiding eye contact with a row of seated commuters. Men demand what they want, from the workplace to the bedroom, and this certainly includes using the public transportation system.

Beyond your own requirements, there are individuals with invisible impairments who might merely appear not to require that seat. So, how do we get as a seat as a pregnant woman?

Turn to a group of passengers occupying priority seats and respectfully ask if anyone is able to give up theirs. Do not presume that they are ignoring you on purpose to make you feel uncomfortable or that they are not in need of the seats.

Don't single out individuals who you believe to be the most capable. Just make your request and be prepared that, as in all talks, you might not get it.

In today's AITA story, we see a redditor who refused to give up her seat to a pregnant woman. In fact, she asked her to go ask people in the priority seats.

Go ahead and read her story below.

The OP Writes

The OP Writesu/Pregladyinthebus

At the time the pregnant lady met the OP, the bus was crowded enough to not be any seats available

At the time the pregnant lady met the OP, the bus was crowded enough to not be any seats availableu/Pregladyinthebus

Here are some of the most upvoted comments from Redditors for you to read through below

Here are some of the most upvoted comments from Redditors for you to read through belowReddit

Everything that happened after you were rude to her

Everything that happened after you were rude to herReddit

You don't need to give up your seat in this situation

You don't need to give up your seat in this situationReddit

This Redditor says the OP wasn't raised right

This Redditor says the OP wasn't raised rightReddit

You feel everyone should refuse her a seat too

You feel everyone should refuse her a seat tooReddit

She was only asking for safety

She was only asking for safetyReddit

She walked all the way to the back to find a seat

She walked all the way to the back to find a seatReddit

You had every right to refuse the seat

You had every right to refuse the seatReddit

There's no legal obligation for you to give up the seat

There's no legal obligation for you to give up the seatReddit

You are exactly what you think you are

You are exactly what you think you areReddit

What has happened to common courtesy?

What has happened to common courtesy?Reddit

It makes you an AH for not giving up your seat

It makes you an AH for not giving up your seatReddit

You being tired is a stupid excuse

You being tired is a stupid excuseReddit

People in the priority are those that need them

People in the priority are those that need themReddit

It is not really about being noble

It is not really about being nobleReddit

You acknowledged you don't have anything wrong with you

You acknowledged you don't have anything wrong with youReddit

When the OP will view the situation differently

When the OP will view the situation differentlyReddit

Pregnancy is rough on the body

Pregnancy is rough on the bodyReddit

It's pretty disappointing and downright disgusting

It's pretty disappointing and downright disgustingReddit

Just get up and give the seat to the pregnant lady

Just get up and give the seat to the pregnant ladyReddit

Most of the time, there is always someone who is ready to give up their prized position to a pregnant woman, and asking them to do so will not be much of a big deal. However, if there is a remote possibility that your request is declined or is greeted with a chorus of "no," feel free to let all of your pent-up side-eye out.
