50 Adorable Photos Of Possums And Opossums Doing Their Seriously Cute Thing

Did you know that possums and opossums are two different species? Who cares, they are both cute!

  • Published in Animals
50 Adorable Photos Of Possums And Opossums Doing Their Seriously Cute Thing

Our planet is a wonderful place, and it's largely thanks to wonderful animal life (even though we humans often do everything we can to destroy its beauty). The variety of animals we have living around us is astonishing.

Of course, things would be much better if humans didn't interfere with their survival - but, unfortunately, this is a continuing issue that will persist for some time. We have to do everything we can to protect them.

Not only that every species is incredibly important for the ecosystem, but seeing their lovely faces somewhere on our feed can brighten our entire day or even week. What could be better than photos of some cute possums and opossums?

Not many things, we can tell you. Many people confuse possums and opossums, believing they are the same animal.

This is not the case, as the creatures dwell in different countries. Possums are native to Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea, New Zealand, and China, while opossums are native to North and South America. Possums are more closely related to kangaroos.

We've collected 50 of the most adorable photos that people have shared online, and we know you are going to love them. You don't believe us?

Look how cute they are. Awwwwwwww.

1. "Possum Tries To Steal Cat’s Food, And Cat’s Reaction Is Priceless"

1. MrRogers247

2. "Australian Veterinary Clinic Rescues A Rare Golden Possum, People Say They Just Caught A Pikachu"

2. Boronia Veterinary Clinic And Animal Hospital

3. "An Opossum Monching On Some Foods"

3. lolaopossum

4. "The Australian Western Pygmy Possum Is Actually One Of The Largest Pygmy Possums In The World Despite Being No Larger Than A Typical Kiwi Fruit"

4. Chris Jolly

5. "Friends Cat Has Adopted A Baby Possum"

5. notnexus

6. "So A Family Of Opossums Walked Out In Front Of Me"

6. iTokki

7. "The Possum That Visits Our Deck Every Evening Brought Along Somebody Special Last Night! Meet Deckster And Backster"

7. strongredcordial

8. "Rare Pygmy Possums Just Got Rediscovered After Fears That Bushfires Wiped Them Out"

8. Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife

9. "When Your Possum Demands And Finally Gets A Bed In Your Dresser"

9. juniperfoxx

10. "A Possum, Skunk, And Raccoon All Having Dinner Together! Apparently, There Was A Fox At One Point As Well! My Colleague's Sister Took This Photo From Her Back Yard"

10. PlasmaReuse

11. "My Step Dad Stumbled Across This Little Guy While Hunting"

11. Sretlaw

12. "Have A Happy Possum!"

12. OryxTheJimmy

13. "I Met A Woman With A Possum And A Beautifully Sincere Smile"

13. ladypugsworth

14. "An Opossum Got Into My Buddy's House And He Snapped A Selfie With It While He Was Carrying It Out"

14. reddit.com

15. "Australian Possum. She Found A Strawberry"

15. crikeyguvna

16. "A Different Easter Bunny"

16. mustbeaweasley94

17. "Baby Possum Got Into Our House Last Night. This Is How We Found It This Morning"

17. MAStalone

18. "Little Opie From The Rehab Center I Work At"

18. _Conservative_Hippy_

19. "I See Your Shoulder Cats, Is It Too Late For A Shoulder Baby Opossum?"

19. allyboo1620

20. "This Little Pygmy-Possum Is Having A Snooze"

20. Conservation Volunteers Australia

21. "Possum Trashes Woman’s Office In Australia, Becomes A Meme"

21. FF_notes

22. "Owner Finds A Baby Possum Clinging On To Her Dog’s Back"

22. Sally Watkinson

23. "Missing My Field Site And All Its Amazing Critters"

23. Amanda McLean

24- "Mushroom The Possum"

24- juniperfoxx

25. "Volunteering As A Wildlife Rescue Rehabilitator Is Often Hard And Heartbreaking Work. But Having Tiny Babies Fall Asleep In Your Hands Makes It All Worth It"

25. linneah15

26. "This Rescue Opossum My Mom Met At A Nature Center"

26. MojitoJesus

27. "Cute Baby Opossum I Found In My House"

27. reddit.com

28. "Ready For A Slumber Party"

28. itsmesesame

29. "These Possums Live In My Window"

29. dsfenasni

30. "Golden Brushtail Possum"

30. unoiamaQT

31. "Possum Of The Day"

31. avec.possum

32. "Clementine, Reminding Everyone That All Animals Love, And Love To Be Loved! (Rescued Virginia Opossum)"

32. Retired_Young

33. "This Possum Being Caught Out"

33. 1Darkest_Knight1

34. "This Is Hank. Hank Lives In My Aunt’s Garage He’s Very Old And Has A Hard Time Walking So She Set Up A Warm Place For Him To Rest And Feeds Him Lots Of Treats"

34. damndirtycracker

35. "A Local Brisbane Brushtail Possum That Stops By My Window Every Now And Then"

35. catfish08

36. "Rescued Baby Opossum"

36. Im_The_One

37. "My Friends And I Saved A Baby Ring Tail Possum! Here's Her With The Vet"

37. Coragiran

38. "Starry & Daff Moments To Warm Our Hearts"

38. itsmesesame

39. "A Racoon, A Opossum And A Stray Cat Enjoying A Peaceful Meal"

39. borninthe313

40. "A Rescued Baby Possum Thinks My German Shepherd Is Its Mom"

40. combatpaddler

41. "I Think That He Likes The Legos"

41. pinkcloyd

42. "Found A Baby Opossum In My Recycling Bin This Morning"

42. LovingMap

43. "I Had An Opossum Visit My House So I Asked If They Were Friendly Or Not In This Facebook Group I'm In. An Animal Rescue Company Replied With This Photo. His Name Is Bobo"

43. Carl_Gordon_Jenkins

44. "This Heck Of A Thing Hanging From Your Kitchen Window Screen At 2 In The Morning"

44. LookingOutAtTheDoomedEarthSheBreathedaSighAsEverythingHadBecome

45. "An Itsy Bitsy Pygmy Possum"

45. Kate_4_President

46. "Gloria The Possum"

46. vohit4rohit

47. "Enjoying The Music"


48. "Don't Forget To Brush Your Teeth!"

48. PossumEveryHour

49. "Bailey, Our Golden Brushtail Possum"

49. WILD LIFE Sydney Zoo

50. "A Rescued Baby Ringtail Possum Warming Up In Front Of A Car Heater"

50. unnaturalorder

The word "opossum" came from the Powhatan language – a language spoken by the Virginia Algonquian tribe, and it basically means "white dog" or "dog-like beast." Later on, one British botanist thought that possums looked pretty similar to opossums, and that's how they got their name.

Whatever they are called, they are adorable. And that's a fact.
