31 Funny Animals Tweets To Bring A Little More Positivity Into Your Day
However we feel, photos of funny and sweet animals will surely make us happier.

If there is one thing in the world that can put a smile on almost everyone's face, that thing would be photos and videos of cute and funny animals. As if it is their specialty to improve our mood, and we couldn't be more grateful for that.
No matter if you are an animal person or not, you simply cannot escape the beautiful feelings that go along with watching cute and funny animals. That's just one of the reasons why many people have pets in their homes, among many others.
Animals are the perfect company when you feel down or simply if you want to have fun. They are always around, always in a good mood, ready to play, and they barely get tired.
And the best thing of them all is that they get along well with the children, so from an early age, a child can learn how to be responsible, but also having a pet teaches them compassion, trust, and loyalty. But above all, pets are very protective of children, and it seems like they think it's their job to protect the youngsters.
For most people, animals are not just friends that make a good company on a boring day, pets are an essential part of their families too. They make us laugh with their silly behavior, and they care about us, just like we care about them.
Many studies have shown that watching photos and videos of cute animals have a positive influence on people. With that being said, we have prepared some silly animal pictures and videos for you to enjoy and have your daily dose of positivism.
1. He is delighted.
2. The team is ready for work.

3. It's cuddling time!
4. Meet merrily Murphy.

5. A new star is revealed.

6. He likes spinning.
7. Just a regular night out.

8. Professional massage.
9. "If you give me the food, I'll get off his head."

10. He loves it!
11. Surpriseee!

12. She carries her loved ones around.
13. "The cat trying to get into the Japanese art mueseum is now immortalized on a tote bag in their gift shop."

14. Looks like he likes fooling around.
15. Another benefit of masks.

16. This little guy loves to dance.
17. Good morning beautiful angel.

18. "Don't turn on the light!"

19. A place just for him.

20. "Chocolate... My favorite."

21. "Whose cousin is this one?"

22. "One year ago Fiona gave birth to 11 puppies!!! Today we got together with 5 of them and had a combo mother’s day birthday party in the park."

23. "Every girl dreams of someday opening that little blue box."

24. Like a pillow.

25. Enjoying the sun.

26. Hello.

27. "Faces of Bear."

28. Don't play with an elephant.
29. Look in her pocket.
30. Her eyes betray her.

31. True masterpiece.

No matter how sad we are, the appearance of funny animals must cheer us up. These sweet creatures have the ability to brighten our day just in a few seconds.
If you have a pet that raises your happiness hormone, share photos with us and bring some positivism into someone's day. We hope you enjoyed this post.