50 Plant Lovers Share Photos Of Their Amazing Houseplants

You don’t need a backyard to have a garden.

50 Plant Lovers Share Photos Of Their Amazing Houseplants

There is a saying that if you want to be happy for an hour - get drunk; If you want to be happy for a year – get married, but if you want to be happy for a lifetime – grow plants. And, no – the saying doesn't imply specifically "those" plants. Any plant would do…

In all seriousness, this saying is absolutely true. Well, maybe not the part about alcoholism or short-lived marriage happiness.

No, we are talking about the part with the plants. Few things in life are as gratifying as watching something you've planted grow and develop.

Seeing the first leaves, blossoms, and fruits gives you some sense of achievement. It is like the Universe is saying: "You humans can also create, not just destroy."

Houseplants are wonderful. If you don't believe us, just ask some of the 900k members of the r/houseplants subreddit.

It is one of the largest online communities dedicated to houseplants. People there can share their experiences, get advice, or simply brag about their plants.

The photos are amazing and show us how we can make our living space much more comfortable. We've selected 50 of the best photos people shared there, and we know you are going to enjoy them.

1. "This Was Supposed To Be A Plant Progress Post Showing Off My Oxalis But Henk Stole The Show"

1. agatac

2. "She Might Not Be R/Nextf****nevel Material, But After A Year Of Hard Work, I Think She’s Pretty Sky High"

2. tainoson

3. "Just Me And My Prince Of Orange 🍊"

3. zsp561

4. "I Found A Photo Of Her Flowering! 75 Y/O Christmas Cactus"

4. aylakay851

5. "Look At This Magnificent Dioon Edule! Dioon’s Are Among The Oldest Seed Plants And Even Pre-Date The Dinosaurs!"

5. -HonestMistake

6. "Family Member For Over 50 Years"

6. VAgreengene

7. "My Echeveria Showing Me Some Love With Its Blooms!"

7. lynsea

8. "I Had To Bring My Bathtub Cactus Planter (Mammillaria And Monkeytail Cacti) Inside The Office For The Winter, And One Of The Legs Started Budding In A Very Inopportune Place..."

8. finchdad

9. "I Thought You Guys Would Appreciate This, Since None Of My Friends Did. One Year Difference"

9. pherrer

10. "I See Your House Plants And Raise You A Plant House"

10. Johnny_Creditcard

11. "Bought My Grandmother A Grocery Store Orchid 3 Years Ago For Mother’s Day. It Currently Has 45 Blooms"

11. jacols

12. "Update On My Variegated Dragon Scale Alocasia 🐉🌱 After 2 Green Leaves She Blessed Me With A Fully White/Cream Leaf!"

12. victato

13. "My Peperomia Letting Me Know She Appreciated The Love I Gave Her"

13. hatplantdaddy

14. "My Uncle’s 35 Year Old Desert Candle Cactus (Euphorbia Acrurensis)"

14. Silversun5

15. "I Planted This Last Year And It’s Getting Long! A Jug, Spilling A String Of Pearls"

15. mcguirl2

16. "It’s Called A ✨coping Mechanism✨"

16. thompianj

17. "Burro's Tail Balcony"

17. mtlgrems

18. "The Monstera At My Parents’ House"

18. ams5657

19. "I Inherited This Oxalis After My Plant Loving Grandfather Passed. It Was In Such Rough Shape That All Growth Had To Be Removed. Now It’s Huge And Flowering 💜"

19. HamSandwicz

20. "Teaching My Little Green Thumb Early! She Watches Me Love On Our Plants Daily And Yesterday She Said, Mommy, I Want My Own Plant"

20. danihaynes4

21. "The Creation Of Adam, Michelangelo, C. 1508-1512"

21. quichequiche

22. "My Fiance Asked Me To Take Photos Of Her Philodendron Prince Of Orange Blooming"

22. timothycdykes

23. "Blooming Burro's Tail"

23. mtlgrems

24. "My Oldest Houseplant. Texas Ebony. 10ish Years. You Like?"

24. MyNameIsDaveToo

25. "By Golly, I Think I Fit All My Patio Houseplants Back Into The House And I'm Still Scratching My Head On How I Managed It"

25. mundanecatlady

26. "After 4 Years, My Orchid Finally Bloomed :)"

26. abluetree

27. "I Told Her She Could Be Anything, So She Became A Spinal Column. Follow Your Anatomical Leggy-Plant Dreams, Little Crassula!"

27. FourExcitedSpiders

28. "Heard We Were Doing Family Portraits. Right Now It's Just Gladys And I"

28. goose1223

29. "I Literally Jumped Up And Down Shouting At My Boyfriend To Get My Phone When I Saw My Huernia Zebrina Had Bloomed"

29. sleepingsapphire

30. "I Love Walking Out Into My Living Room Every Morning To This! Always Starting My Day With Positive Vibes"

30. baoyonce

31. "It’s Obvious They Needed Some Hats"

31. Misslasagna

32. "Pilea Flex 💪"

32. 84Riceeater

33. "I Took Some Family Photos Today"

33. TheThotHokage

34. "Proud Plant Mom Family Photo. Though Sometimes The Sheer Amount Of Plants I Care For Overwhelms Me"

34. catnamedred

35. "My Late Mother’s Dumbcanes. Nassau, Bahamas."

35. coconut-telegraph

36. "A Surprise From My White Princess"

36. Inconspicuous_worm

37. "My First DIY Moss Pole"

37. Leoking51

38. "Which One Of You Deviants Lives Here?"

38. bamburger

39. "Couldn’t Find The Right Size Shelf For Some Of My Plants So Decided To Try Out My High School Wood Working Skills And Make One Myself!"

39. InevitableOil7

40. "Plants Getting Settled Into Their New Home"

40. NearbyCitron

41. "My Grandfather's Crazy Orchid"

41. ArcKade

42. "My GF Scored This Very Subtle 30yr Old Philodendron For $95. Figured It Would Get The Love It Deserves Here"

42. cremedreme420

43. "My Terracotta Corner"

43. UnluckyAcadia

44. "Thought You Guys Would Appreciate This Pilea!"

44. furyxen

45. "I Wish I Had Higher Ceiling For My Banana Tree"

45. Jonyvilly

46. "I Desperately Want This Fern"

46. [deleted]

47. "Same, Honestly"

47. bardpewpew

48. "Found A String Of Dolphins Locally Before I Pulled The Trigger On Etsy! It Even Has A Few Blooms!"

48. Someblackdude

49. "Started A New Job And Found One Of Us"

49. Blandann1215

50. "Look How Large My Monstera Leaf Has Grown!"

50. SouthScar

r/houseplants was created 10 years ago on June 17, 2011, and has been growing since. It is dedicated exclusively to houseplants, so you will have to look elsewhere if you are looking for garden plants.

But this subreddit shows that houseplants, in decent numbers and sizes, can substitute a garden for those people who don't have backyards. If you've found this article inspirational, we don't blame you. In fact, it's what we wanted to achieve. Start planting now!
