Pixar Universe Theory Easter Egg Confirmed By Disney As They Release Show on Disney+

Pixar and Disney lovers now know that the 'The Pixar Theory' was never a conspiracy at all.

  • Published in Disney
Pixar Universe Theory Easter Egg Confirmed By Disney As They Release Show on Disney+

Pixar and Disney lovers now know that the 'The Pixar Theory' was never a conspiracy at all.

The truth was literally in front of our noses the entire time.

Upon the release of Disney+ and Pixar's new video that was filled with hidden Easter eggs, on their 34th anniversary, (which was February 3rd, 2020). The video showcased in some ways every connection between each of the iconic movies and characters.

"Every Pixar movie is connected. I explain how and possibly why." via The Pixar Theory Book by Jon Negroni that was published in 2015.

Truth be told, I've never heard this theory before. So imagine my surprise when I dove into it!

My face be like.

My face be like.

“The attention to detail here is INCREDIBLE,” Disney+ captioned the video on Twitter. “We have no choice but to stan — and stream — @Pixar! Happy anniversary to the iconic studio.”

The famous video!

Little bit of back story, Pixar began as 'LucasFilms' graphics but then became their own corporation on February 3rd 1986. In 2006 however, Disney obtained Pixar.

In 34 years, Pixar has provided viewers from around the world over 21 films, with TWO more on the way for 2020!

Onward is set to release on March 6th, and Soul on June 19th, 2020!

Plus four more unslated photos releasing this year as well!

I love these!

If you haven't noticed already, the 'Pizza Planet' delivery truck has been delivering pizzas all through out Pixar's history.

From the original first stop in Toy Story, then to A Bug's Life, Monster's Inc, Finding Nemo, and even into Brave!

Out of all the creativity by Pixar, Toy Story is definitely the main one that has really given us the Easter eggs, both providing AND hiding them.



The internet is like Mr. Incredible and I'm standing here like Edna. LOL

The internet is like Mr. Incredible and I'm standing here like Edna. LOL

Let's get onto the main theory of the thousands that exist.

Essentially the belief is that all the Pixar films are set into an alternate universe, but all of them are set around only two characters. Of course the most iconic, Sully and Boo from Monster's Inc.

Many believe that after Sully left Boo in Monster's Inc, she became bound and determined to find him again. (Which is absolutely believable.)

That led her to become a time-traveling witch who harnesses magic. (like the witch in Brave).

Then it all caused a mass series of events that trickled through the Pixar universe.

And if you look close enough in the witches hut in Brave, you'll find the wood carving of Sully. Which frankly, became the main catalysts for the theory to begin with.

Picture me swallowing all this info like Mike is standing there. LOL

Picture me swallowing all this info like Mike is standing there. LOL

I'm a little blown away here, are you?

Another theory is that it begins way before the events of Brave. (Think 14th/15th century).

As Digital Spy notes believe, "the timeline begins with The Good Dinosaur millennia ago."

This strand of belief is that a meteor missed Earth, and the animals learn "the value of emotion and human compassion."

Holy wha????

We all know those specific values are used in a plethora of different ways all through Pixar's films. But then they all do eventually lead to the animals and reactive "beings" resenting humans.

For example, polluting the Earth, and mistreating toys, etc.

Thus, causing a war to ensue which then Earth becomes uninhabitable.

Onward, humans began living in a starliner (Hello, Wall-E), all the while "the remaining machines on Earth begin to live and behave like humans." (You guessed it, Cars).

But then, one small robot "saves humanity with one plant, which grows a tree and eventually a whole new world."

Then, humans return to Earth, and they eventually "evolve into a new species ---- monsters", Digital Spy explained.

These theories... Woah. Can you guess which one is me here? HA

These theories... Woah. Can you guess which one is me here? HA

There's plenty of other intricate loops that feed into every theory, it all boils down to which one you deem the most believable. Excuse me while I fall down the Pixar rabbit hole.

Which theory are you most on board with?

Be sure to let us know in the comments!

Happy Anniversary Pixar!

Happy Anniversary Pixar!