Redditor Asks For Advice After She Discovered Roommate Popping Pimples On The Bathroom Mirror

"Can't she clean up her own gross mess?"

Redditor Asks For Advice After She Discovered Roommate Popping Pimples On The Bathroom Mirror

Living in shared housing is not always easy. There are a lot of compromises to be made and many adjustments to get used to.

After all, people are vastly different in so many ways, and it can take time to get used to a roommate's habits and various quirks. So what happens when someone you're living with starts doing something that really bothers you?

Reddit user u/Kakoem recently posted a story on this topic in the AITA (Am I The A**hole?) subreddit. The OP explained that she and her partner have a roommate who has been living with them for a few weeks now.

They have a shared bathroom, and the OP does the majority of the cleaning. Recently, the Redditor noticed she had to clean the bathroom mirror much more often since the new roommate moved in.

She began to notice that there was much more on the mirror than just the usual dust and water spots. There were brown and white dots and streaks on it.

When the roommate left the bathroom door open, the OP went in and saw her leaning over the counter and popping a pimple in the mirror. That's when the OP realized where all the spots were coming from - they were from popped pimples all over the mirror!

The OP confronted the roommate saying, "Ew, that's super gross; you need to knock it off!" But the roommate was offended and asked, "What's the point of paying such high rent if I can't even treat this place like my own home?"

Now the OP is wondering if she is the a**hole here. Keep scrolling to see how people reacted.

The OP asked if she's an a**hole for telling her roommate she's being gross.

The OP asked if she's an a**hole for telling her roommate she's being gross.Reddit/Kakoem

She explained that she and her partner have a roommate who has been living with them for a few weeks now.

She explained that she and her partner have a roommate who has been living with them for a few weeks now.Reddit/Kakoem

When the roommate left the bathroom door open, the OP went in and saw her leaning over the counter and popping a pimple in the mirror.

When the roommate left the bathroom door open, the OP went in and saw her leaning over the counter and popping a pimple in the mirror.Reddit/Kakoem

The OP confronted the roommate saying, "Ew, that's super gross, you need to knock it off!" But the roommate was offended.

The OP confronted the roommate saying, Reddit/Kakoem

Here's how people reacted.

Here's how people reacted.Reddit/Ok-Cauliflower-9059

"That is gross!"


"That'd disgusting."




"She needs to clean it up once she's done."


What did I just read?

What did I just read?Reddit/CantaloupeSpecific47

"She has no right to expect you to clean up after her."




"If she is going to do that then she is responsible for cleaning the mirror."


"It's an apartment, not a hotel."




She needs her own mirror.

She needs her own mirror.Straight-Advice3211

"Can't she clean up her own gross mess?"


"She should be doing that in her private space."


"Hard NTA."




"Super gross."


What's your take on this situation? Do you think the OP is being too harsh on the roommate, or is it entirely reasonable that she would be upset about such a gross habit?

We would love to hear your opinions on this. You can share your thoughts with us in the comment section.
