Pets Who Are So Attached To Their Toys That They Supervise Their Humans The Whole Time They're Fixing Them

My heart can't handle all this cuteness ❤️

Pets Who Are So Attached To Their Toys That They Supervise Their Humans The Whole Time They're Fixing Them

Pet toys often have a short life span, because even though they are so attached to them, they just can't help but destroy them from time to time. Sometimes they just get dirty so they need to be washed.

These toys often have emotional value so you can't just throw them away and buy new ones. That's why these pet owners decided to fix or wash their pets' toys instead of replacing them.

The pets in the posts below are so attached to their toys that they felt compelled to supervise their humans while they were performing surgery on their beloved toys.  

"Relieved sausage dog Pickle cuddles his favourite toy after it went into the washing machine"

He's making sure that it's safe

He's making sure that it's safeKennedy News and Media

They're all excited

They're all excited Kennedy News and Media

Finally reunited ❤️

Finally reunited ❤️Kennedy News and Media

He's so happy that grandma is fixing his toy

You can read the full story here

He's so happy that grandma is fixing his toy

So impatient

So impatient

Reunited at last

Reunited at last

"Waiting for toys to dry"


"Today, I spent an hour fixing Newton's favorite toys. He hasn't played with either since"


He looks concerned

Please Doctor, tell me if he'll live 😟

"My terrier mix waiting while I fix her favorite dog toy. Again."


"My 7yr old girl that I rescued 4 years ago waiting ever so patiently for my 79yr old Grandma to fix one of her favorite toys. <3"


"Waiting for mom to finish fixing their toy"


"Boomer is nervously waiting for me to fix his favorite toy"


"Dog patiently waiting for his favorite toy to be fixed."


"To the dad fixing the pupper's first toy, this was us yesterday."


"His favourite toy broke and this was he expression until I had fixed it"


Such an impatient pupper

Checking if it's still alive

"Dexter patiently waiting for his toy to get fixed"


"Cat is patiently waiting for toy repair"


What a cutie

What a cutie Reddit

"Good girl waiting for Dad to fix her favorite toy"
