These Tweets Show That Referring To Your Pet As Your Coworker Is The Hilarity We Need In These Tough Times
Perks of working from home is that we now have coworkers we actually like

With more and more people each day being called to work from home when possible, many people are experiencing an entirely new kind of work-life situation. For some, being able to work without annoying co-workers is one of the best parts of working from home.
There are, presumably, less people stealing your food from the fridge, less people walking around distracting you, and (hopefully) less people coughing nearby.
For some lucky people, this has meant more time spent with pets. One Twitter user noticed this, and asked people to post pictures of their new “co-workers,” their beautiful pets. And, honestly, it’s hilarious.
Then OP shared their adorable co-worker.
Wednesday looks suitably alarmed with the state of the world
Productive day for this co-worker
Not generally appropriate office behaviour
We've all been there
ConFURence call?
(Sorry, it's been a while since I've had human interaction)
Weird in a regular setting, but perfectly okay now!
Keeping fit is important
It's how we all feel
A very busy office
Ok but this is actually hilarious
What happens when HR is at fault?
Congratulations! Wishing you all the best!
We all have tasks
Someone always takes it too far
Office thief!
My hero
(Okay but shut the lid)