PETA Learned The Hard Way That NOBODY Gets Away With Slamming Steve Irwin

They really deserved the Internet tongue-lashing they got for this one.

  • Published in Funny
PETA Learned The Hard Way That NOBODY Gets Away With Slamming Steve Irwin

Steve Irwin was not only a TV-personality and renowned conservationist, he was basically a global sweetheart, beloved by all. On September 4th, 2006 he tragically passed away doing what he loved best, interacting with animals. To this day, his wife and children continue his work with the love and compassion only an Irwin could possess and radiate.

On February 22nd, 2019 Irwin would have been 57-years old if it were not for his untimely and tragic death and collectively most of the world remembered him, as we do regularly for being the icon and role model he still manages to be to this day.

Google likes to honorpeople who deserve to be honored on their special days.

For Irwin, in a tweet alongside a sweet tribute picture of the 'crocodile hunter,' Google said:

Today's Google Doodle celebrates Steve Irwin, the legendary Australian wildlife advocate & TV personality whose bravery & passion opened the eyes of millions to the wonders of wildlife.

Truly, this is something virtually no one disputes, right?

Google likes to honorpeople who deserve to be honored on their special days. Google

...Wrong, apparently.

PETA, also known as People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, is a loud and proud "animal rights" organization that has been no stranger to controversy, nor making themselves look incredibly stupid.

In a mind-blowing turn of events, PETA decided to attack Steve Irwin's memory in response to Google's beautiful tribute.l

...Wrong, apparently. PETA

Relentless heathens.

PETA laid in THICK.

Relentless heathens.PETA

Say what, now?

According to PETA, you know, the pinnacle of morality, Steve Irwin harassed animals.

Say what, now?PETA

"Forcing Animals to Perform is Wrong."

Yo, PETA, this ain't the circus we're talking about. This is Steve Freaking Irwin!


The Internet Collectively Responds

Let this be a lesson to PETA and anyone who would dare tarnish the reputation and memory of the world's most beloved... The Internet tore PETA a NEW ONE.

The Internet Collectively Respondsgifer

PETA the Hypocrites.

Some users were quick to point out how hypocritical PETA is, with specific details.

PETA the Hypocrites.KaBaMaybe

As a matter of perspective.

Did you know?

Steve Irwin's family run Australia Zoo, and it was opened by Steve's parents Bob and Lyn all the way back in 1970! Steve grew up helping his parents maintain the zoo and care for crocodiles and other reptiles, this was his entire childhood!

Furthermore, Steve and his wife Terri raised a lot of money filming their shows and collecting funds from merchandise and they put every penny back into conservation and building new exhibits for the zoo!

As a matter of perspective. clickclackBOOMx

The nerve of PETA...

They do owe the Irwin family an apology.

The nerve of PETA...stareagle

PETA: GO away.

More fun facts! Steve and Terri co-hosted their TV series Crocodile Hunter which debuted on Australian TV in 1996. It only took a year to make it's way to the United States and before long it was a huge hit and success in over 130 countries. In the 90's, nearly 500 million people all over the world knew who Steve Irwin was. His personality was captivating, his accent was endearing, and his catch-phrases burrowed into your mind.

Sir David Attenborough, the iconic British nature presenter, was also a fan of Steve and credited him for introducing many to the natural world. "He taught them how wonderful and exciting it was, he was a born communicator," he said.

PETA: GO away. Jack_Septic_Eye

Steve Irwin

Irwin considered conservation to be the most important part of his work, saying once, "I consider myself a wildlife warrior. My mission is to save the world's endangered species."

Steve IrwinWordPress

That which united us all.

World War III: Everyone vs PETA

That which united us all.jettst0rm

Proud Papa

Irwin is looking down on us all and he is proud. Surely.

Proud PapaTwitter

PETA is not shy to controversy.

It would seem they love saying ridiculous and inflammatory things.

Irwin, on the other hand, founded the 'Steve Irwin Conservation Foundation,' which became an independent charity and was later renamed 'Wildlife Warriors Worldwide.' He also helped found 'International Crocodile Rescue, 'the 'Lyn Irwin Memorial Fund' (named in memory of his mother, who died in an automobile crash in 2000), and the 'Iron Bark Station Wildlife Rehabilitation Facility.'

PETA is not shy to controversy. humanity world

A choice was made.

A wrong choice, but a choice nonetheless.

A choice was made.Twitter




Don't mock tragedy.

PETA made a poor choice in telling the world Irwin got what he deserved. At the time of his death he was filming the documentary series Ocean's Deadlist. It was in his apre time at Batt Reef, near Port Douglas, Australia, that he decided to snorkel in shallow waters. He was being filmed becaues he hoped to get some footage for his daughter, Bindi, and her own TV show.

In mere chest-deep water, Irwin approached a short-tail stingray from the rear, hoping to film the magnificent creature swimming away, but what happened next would change the world forever. According to the incident's only witness:

All of a sudden [the stingray] propped on its front and started stabbing wildly with its tail. Hundreds of strikes in a few seconds.

At the time, Irwin believed he had only punctured a lung but the sad reality is in what appeared to be a defensive response, the sting ray's barb had actually pierced his heart, which led to him bleeding to death. And PETA, in all their infinite wisdom, told the world that their most beloved human being deserved to die.

Don't mock tragedy. Drake Bell

We wish.

Only Elon can save us now.

We wish.Reddit

Steve Irwin's legacy lives on.

His family still owns and runs Australia Zoo. His daughter, Bindi says:

We want to make sure that his message of wildlife and conservation continues, because he was the world’s greatest conservationist and we never want that message to die.

Steve Irwin's legacy lives on.UberFacts

Repetition works both ways.

Maybe PETA should pay closer attention to this tweet.

Repetition works both ways.30_sixth

A petition is growing.

As of the date of this article, the signatures had gone over 37,000, with more chiming in every minute.

A petition is

United we stand.

Don't you dare tarnish the name of Steve Irwin.

United we stand.KYM

The truth, courtesy of Spongebob.

Wow, PETA, you suck.

The truth, courtesy of Spongebob.Reddit

The Science of Rage Marketing

Truthfully, this simply enrages us more.

The Science of Rage MarketingRyan Magee

We stand with Steve Irwin

PETA can kick rocks, at best.

We stand with Steve IrwinReddit

A man of action.

Make a difference here.

A man of action.The_BrownDog

Wait a minute...

Don't bring animals down to PETA's level, bro!

Wait a minute...Reddit

Vegans and Vegetarians Against PETA

Yeah, PETA is that bad.

Vegans and Vegetarians Against PETAMaureenJohnson

Protect the Irwin Family

PETA doesn't deserve their energy and response.

Protect the Irwin FamilyKamTV

PETA's dumb logic.

This is not how saving works, unless you're PETA.

PETA's dumb logic.Twitter


Not even good intentions.

Accurate Reddit

The Bad Bully and the Good Bully

PETA... you shouldn't have gone this far down the path of darkness.

The Bad Bully and the Good BullyImgur

Extreme Stupidity

We can only assume this is incredibly accurate.

Extreme StupidityTwitter

Malicious Intentions

Shame on you, PETA.

Malicious IntentionsReddit

We see you anti-Irwin policy and raise you:

What is the deal with PETA stealing pets!?

We see you anti-Irwin policy and raise you:Justin Whang

PETA went too far.

Astonishingly, there are people defending PETA. They're stupid. Ignore them. Steve Irwin is our precious baby and we must protect him.

PETA went too far.Reddit

In Loving Memory

In Loving MemoryFox News