22 Wholesome And Hilarious Pictures Of Pets Taken In A Photo Booth Set Up Solely For Animals

The results of these photo shots are top-notch.

  • Published in Animals
22 Wholesome And Hilarious Pictures Of Pets Taken In A Photo Booth Set Up Solely For Animals

Each and every pet is a model, and I’m not lying about it. They are just gorgeous, and you might have seen your pet strike a pose a couple of times.

If you’re lucky enough, you get it on camera, but if not, it becomes a good memory for you. This is just one of the ways our furry buddies bring joy into our lives.

A group of people who run a 24/7 virtual pet appointment called the Vetster has opened up a pet salon photo booth in order to promote Vetster. The results of this action are top-notch, and they certainly speak for themselves.

During the Easter long weekend in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, numerous pets and their owners visited the Vetster photo stalls and took a lot of pictures. The Vetster Salon was one of the four huge establishments built by Vetster for the weekends.

This is so that new and existing clients can meet and capture these unimaginable moments of their lives on camera. There, the group got the opportunity to pet, snuggle, and take stunning pictures of dogs, cats, bunnies, rats, and, surprisingly, a Patagonian mara.

This is certainly the dream of every pet lover. You can also check out their other photo booth pictures on their Instagram page!

More info: link.vetster.com | Instagram

The Vetster

The VetsterThe Vetster Salon

Let the photo shoot begin...

1. We are the golden girls and we love one another

1. We are the golden girls and we love one anotherThe Vetster Salon

2. This should be the dad, mom and kids

2. This should be the dad, mom and kidsThe Vetster Salon

3. If it isn't Ryder The Samoyed aka Instagram’s Floofiest Floofer

3. If it isn't Ryder The Samoyed aka Instagram’s Floofiest FlooferThe Vetster Salon

4. We had everyone, both the Tiny and Adorable

4. We had everyone, both the Tiny and AdorableThe Vetster Salon

5. Is this a dog? Or maybe a cat? Okay, it might be some kind of rabbit? In fact: It’s a patagonian mara who came to get some shots

5. Is this a dog? Or maybe a cat? Okay, it might be some kind of rabbit? In fact: It’s a patagonian mara who came to get some shotsThe Vetster Salon

6. Another TikTok celeb is here - Merlin The Mad Ragdoll

6. Another TikTok celeb is here - Merlin The Mad RagdollThe Vetster Salon

7. I think someone just said something about treats

7. I think someone just said something about treatsThe Vetster Salon

8. This is Iggy Joey and Anna Banana who were in a hurry

8. This is Iggy Joey and Anna Banana who were in a hurryThe Vetster Salon

9. Meet the fiery cat

9. Meet the fiery catThe Vetster Salon

10. She saw the flamingos and boom...

10. She saw the flamingos and boom...The Vetster Salon

11. This should be the editors of, let's say the Dogue magazine

11. This should be the editors of, let's say the Dogue magazineThe Vetster Salon

12. If you're not smiling with these two then...

12. If you're not smiling with these two then...The Vetster Salon

13. Luna, the Pittie, another TikTok star who has over 4m followers

13. Luna, the Pittie, another TikTok star who has over 4m followersThe Vetster Salon

14. These three sure knew the assignment and they smashed it

14. These three sure knew the assignment and they smashed itThe Vetster Salon

15. These couple still dressed up for date night

15. These couple still dressed up for date nightThe Vetster Salon

16. This disguise won't fool us. Now smile for the camera...

16. This disguise won't fool us. Now smile for the camera...The Vetster Salon

17. These two were headed to somewhere fancy but decided to come in

17. These two were headed to somewhere fancy but decided to come inThe Vetster Salon

18. They thought they will get a perm but no... It's a shot

18. They thought they will get a perm but no... It's a shotThe Vetster Salon

19. Just get over with it

19. Just get over with itThe Vetster Salon

20. The big, the bold and the... Nvm

20. The big, the bold and the... NvmThe Vetster Salon

21. Being beautiful is enough hard work already

21. Being beautiful is enough hard work alreadyThe Vetster Salon

22. Yes, we have rats as well

22. Yes, we have rats as wellThe Vetster Salon

Just as we glam up, head to the photo studio, and take some stunning shots, these pets can do that too. And in today’s article, we see different pets who have walked their way into a pet photo studio and have some stylish pictures of themselves taken.

Which of them happens to be your favorite? Leave your comments down below.
