Twitter Users Are Sharing Their Strangest Fears And The Results Will Have You In Tears

Prepare to say "what?" when you read these peoples weirdest fears.

  • Published in Funny
Twitter Users Are Sharing Their Strangest Fears And The Results Will Have You In Tears

Everyone is afraid of something, it's just how the world works. It might be heights, water, clowns, spiders, or germs, but no matter what you're afraid of it's totally okay to feel that way! And I can guarantee that somewhere on this planet someone else feels the exact same way you do. However, sometimes you fear things that others might think are totally irrational (like the dentist... Rip my oral health.) or just plain weird. 

Maybe there's no reason for you fear at all, or maybe something happened when you were little that made you fear this strange thing. Luckily for us, Twitter has once again caught everyone's attention, as people from all over share what their strangest fears are! And honestly, unless you feel agree with them, you're going to find these hilarious...

1. It all started with Comedian, Jim Smallman, when he took to Twitter to discuss his deepest, darkest, fears...

2. And his open honesty about his weird fears inspired people to share their own!

3. Hold onto your fears folks, this is where things start to get weird... Jam donuts?

4. Only red ones though? Okay...

5. Welp... I can never bathe safely again.

6. You're afraid of Goofy?

More to the point, if Goofy is a dog, and Pluto is a dog, why can one talk and the other cannot?

7. 100% fair and reasonable!

8. Can't say I've ever heard of this before!

9. Eggs?

10. The fact that this is so specific really takes the cake for me.

So what are your weird fears?
