People Who've Been Hurt With a Pencil Share The Lead Mark And Story Years Later

This is like a school-yard gang tattoo

  • Published in Funny
People Who've Been Hurt With a Pencil Share The Lead Mark And Story Years Later

It's highly likely that if you went through the mainstream school system, you've seen someone stab themselves (or be stabbed) with a pencil. What you may not have seen, however, is the marks that remain (for life) after this happens.

Recently, Twitter used @Los_Writer asked people to share the stories of their pencil stabbing stories (and to show their graphite mark). Oddly, after some internet research, it seems the reasons these marks last so long is because it's essentially like a simple tattoo, which likely means new laser therapy could probably remove it!

The pictures are basically all identical, basically a gang tattoo, but what's even funnier are some of the accompanying stories.

Check them out below.

Apology NOT accepted.

Apology NOT accepted.



Little a land-mine.

Little a land-mine.

No. Not even close to being the only one!

No. Not even close to being the only one!

omg! this one is crazy!

omg! this one is crazy!

Pens as well!

Pens as well!

Oopsss, there it is!

Oopsss, there it is!

lol, SO TOUGH!

lol, SO TOUGH!



Close call!

Close call!

Tiny but it's there.

Tiny but it's there.



22 years!!!!

22 years!!!!

tHuG LiFe

tHuG LiFe

Sounds like a douche TBH

Sounds like a douche TBH