Redditors Share The 15 Signs You Peaked In High School
Hate to break it to ya...

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad thing to have fond memories of your teenager years and high school can be a ton of fun. It's a major time of emotional and physical growth and development. High school is a time that can have a profound impact on your future, but it's definitely not the end all.
At least it's not supposed to be. But how do you determine if high school was the best time of your life or if the best is yet to come? Or if you're living it now? These 15 Reddit users have some telltale signs that you peaked in high school, better check if you're on the list!
1. Classy and Sassy
“A guy who graduated from my high school back in 2003 was arrested a few years ago for his 2nd DUI. He was wearing his Letterman jacket in his mugshot.” — gil_beard

2. We all know people guilty of this.
“Selling your pyramid scheme essential oils on Facebook.” — Hbmc1123

3. The good 'ol days was not that long ago, bro.
“Vagueing, or vagueposting… From my experience, the people who vague about petty drama just haven’t socially matured since they were like 16.” — shebbsquids

“Dropping out of college to promote your pyramid scheme.” — comcollegedropout

5. Horrible.
“Sharing EVERY memory from Facebook talking about the “good ol days” and “wish we could go back” when it’s only been a few years since graduation.” — WillFlash4DoggoPics

6. Well at least it kinda has a happy ending.
“Wearing your high school ring after graduation.” — Hrekires

7. Nobody cares anymore, just stop.
“Selling pot to teenagers and then trying to get them to stay and smoke with you.” — ChunderForce

8. Sometimes it's just hard to let go of the past.
“I briefly worked with a guy I went to high school with, and like ninety percent of our not work related conversations were him reminiscing about how much he’d bullied me in high school (and acting like it was all a big joke).” — Agnol117

9. Sorry, it's not that cool anymore.
“Wearing your high school ring after graduation.” — Hrekires

10. Seriously, what were you thinking?
“Selling your pyramid scheme essential oils on Facebook.” — Hbmc1123

11. Not much else going on, I guess.
“I taught at a HS in the US for exactly one year. During that year some guy who had graduated a year or so prior came back to visit about three or four times. This douche just rolled into the school and would pop into classes to say hi to teachers and students in the middle of lessons. I have no idea why, but for some reason he was walking around barefoot too. He tried that shit in my class and I asked him promptly to leave, to which he said to me, ‘Oh, you’re new here and don’t understand that I’m sort of a legend around here, so people like to see me come by.’ Yeah, I kicked ‘the legend’ the f**k out and promptly advised my students to move on with their lives after they were finished with high school.” — dyingfast

12. HAHAHAHA, oh... you're serious? Yikes.
“People who say ‘high school is the best time of your life.'” — MomentOfHesitation

“I dated a guy with his high school mascot tattooed on his arm. It was such a turnoff.” — shs0007

14. Oh, that's depressing.
“At my ten year reunion, the prom queen came wearing a tiara with a custom “Queen ’03” sash over her shoulder. I had to go outside I was laughing so hard.
But I’ll be damned if she didn’t rock that outfit the while time, so, respect.
Still sad though.” — acava2424

15. I hope someday it gets better for them.
Some of the popular girls from high school still get together very frequently, and you see updates of it on facebook. I also keep in touch with some friends from high school, and I think that that’s nice. However, one of those friends of mine once ran into them during one of their get-together. He said hi and happened to be sitting not too far from them at the bar.
He said that all they did for the whole night, was talk about high school. They looked up old classmates on Facebook, laughed at them, called them names, looked at their spouses and called them names too. They still thought themselves the popular kids, as if they still had some sort of influence on all these people. Everyone has moved on, done interesting things in their life except for them. They’re just rehashing old drama and old rumors.
One of those girls had a small bit of success as a photographer in high school. She won a couple contests that were aimed at teenagers and her photos aren’t bad. Her parents turned this into a very big deal, her friends all wanted to be in her photos, and she was dead set on going to art school and getting the recognition she deserved. I don’t know if she never made it into art school or if she dropped out, but she definitely did not become a photographer. Instead, you see her launching some new startup business selling asinine live-laugh-love shit about once a year. — cutehulhu

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