15 Jokes That People Who Don’t Have Kids Will Find Hilarious
"There is no better birth control than the sound of a child screaming."
- Published in Funny
Having kids is a personal choice and not an obligation or duty…. But people often forget that. People with kids frequently overwhelm childless people with all sorts of questions about their reproductive plans and question their motives.
It is annoying when a complete stranger starts to ask some pretty personal questions. But to be honest, it’s not more pleasant when your family and close friends start interrogating you about why you don’t want children…
Most of the time, childless people are placed in a position where they have to defend their opinion… And there is absolutely no reason for that. It’s their body, their life, and their choice. It is better to be honest about not wanting kids than having them and be a lousy parent afterward.
1. Who makes up these rules?
kind of mad that I’m not allowed a dog or a cat in my flat but I can presumably move a baby in any time I want
— Elle Hunt (@elle_hunt) June 6, 2018