Overweight Golden Retriever Was Taken To The Vet To Be Put Down, But Ended Up Losing Over 100 Pounds

It just goes to show that pets can do anything when they have an owner that loves and believes in them

Overweight Golden Retriever Was Taken To The Vet To Be Put Down, But Ended Up Losing Over 100 Pounds

There is a growing trend online that glorifies fat dogs (and cats.) And, while bigger dogs are adorable and chunky, it is also important to remember that it can be super unhealthy for the chubby dogs.

There is a difference between a well-fed, well-loved dog and a dog that has a lower quality of life due to its weight issues. While accusations of animal abuse sometimes run wild in the comment sections of bigger dog pages, it is essential to remember that often the dogs are on their own behind-the-scenes weight-loss journey.

Which is what is happening with this giant golden retriever. Undeniably, he was unhealthily large to begin with, but this dog was loved and supported as he lost over 100 pounds (around 45 kg).

Scroll down for the “after” pictures, the gorgeous dog is hardly recognisable!

Everyone, meet Kai.

As far as dogs go, golden retrievers on average weigh between 55lbs and 75lbs (25kg-34kg.)

Everyone, meet Kai.youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Sadly, one of Kai's past owners thought he was too fat and took him to a vet to be put down.

Sadly, one of Kai's past owners thought he was too fat and took him to a vet to be put down.youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

The vet refused, and instead took Kai to a shelter.

The vet refused, and instead took Kai to a shelter.youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Luckily, Kai found a new owner who decided to help get him fit and healthy.

Luckily, Kai found a new owner who decided to help get him fit and healthy. youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Kai's new owner, Pam Heggie, told Bored Panda:

“When I first met Kai, I honestly could not believe his size. He weighed 173 pounds (78.6 kg).

He struggled to do everything and panted all the time. We often had to lift him using a big soaker pad to get him up the stairs. Getting him in and out of the car was so hard. Always took two of us and I took a seat out of the van so he could fit easily."

youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

"From the beginning, he seemed to understand we were trying to help. At first, he did water therapy because he limped so bad and I was worried about his joints with all that weight. A vet clinic here had a water treadmill and Kai did therapy there once a week for 6 weeks. It really helped with his stamina. Then we could go to the dog park. We walked every single day."

youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Pam shared:

“Our vet was very helpful for Kai. He recommended a prescription weight-loss food and that is what we fed. He was fed to his desired weight of 75 pounds. He actually weighs 68 pounds now and has maintained that weight for over a year now. Fruits and veggies are the only other snacks he gets. Kai did hydrotherapy and daily walks to lose weight. Just like people. At first, we did short walks (literally 5-10 steps) three times a day. As his stamina improved, we went longer and less often. Now we walk 30-60 minutes every day. Sometimes he plays with a ball, but he’s not much of a toy guy. When he was heavy, he loved the water. I think he was just so hot and his joints so sore, the water was easier. Now he likes water, but not like he used to."

youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Here is Kai doing hydrotherapy.

Here is Kai doing hydrotherapy.youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

He was closely monitored by the vet.

He was closely monitored by the vet.youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Soon enough, he started to lose weight!

Soon enough, he started to lose weight!youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

What a superhero!

What a superhero!youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Kai is now a certified therapy dog

“Kai is now a ratified therapy dog. While we frequented the dog park during his weight loss, it was really the people he loved.

So I decided to pursue having him become a therapy dog.

That took us about 8 months—he had to pass temperament testing, obedience testing, and then do testing for ratification. He was a star. COVID interfered with that, but our plan is to have him at the airport as a therapy dog. We will finish the paperwork for that once COVID allows.

Kai loves being a therapy dog and he loves going to the dog park. He is the best travel partner. He loves the car and has flown in a plane and been on a ferry. He loves to travel and we like to go to the national parks and Vancouver to visit family. He is amazing.”

Kai is now a certified therapy dogyoucandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Check out these incredible "before and after" shots!!

Check out these incredible youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

I mean, is it even the same dog?

youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Just look at him!!

Just look at him!!youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)

Check out more of Kai's story, and follow his Facebook page "This is Kai."

youcandothiskai on Facebook (via Bored Panda)