10+ Office Workers Who Are Having Way Too Much Fun Together
This pretty much sums up office life.

Working at an office has its ups and downs, but it's obviously boring most of the time which makes people want to spice things up a little bit by doing a couple of 'extracurricular activities' in order not to die from boredom. Some people take it way too far by pulling some crazy stunts that will probably get them fired in the near future, but at least they'll go in a spectacular manner, so it's totally worth it.
1. A Post-it war that quickly went out of hand

2. This is how the Paleontology department celebrates Halloween

3. This is gold

4. "There's only one guy who works in my office so we changed the men's bathroom sign"

5. How to go on a Safari inside an office

6. Found in an actual office bathroom


8. There's nothing better than dog-friendly offices

9. Such a hard worker!

10. "My coworker spilled wine in the office so I turned it into a spazzy cat, he loved it"

11. "So they installed a new coffee machine at work and before anyone could use it, I placed this sign on it... Best three hours of my life (I have the office right in front of the break room)"

12. Friendzoned by a can, what a sad life

13. Satan? Is that you?

14. "I left a toy car as a decoration for my office's meeting room. I guess someone didn't want it there"

15. Okay this is clever

Being male or female can have such a staggering difference in the workplace, whether or not you want to believe it. One guy learnt the undeniable truth of the matter when he used his female co-worker's signature on emails, only to find that he was being mistreated for the first time in his career.