Redditor Shares Interesting Facts About The Famous Serum Run Of 1925 And The Hero Dogs That Saved Lives
These are certified goodest boys.

One Redditor shared: "TIL in Nome, Alaska, in 1925, a diphtheria epidemic struck, and no antitoxin was left. Land, air, and sea routes were unavailable, so 20 mushers and 150 sled dogs relayed the serum across 674 miles in 5 1/2 days, in subzero temperatures, near-blizzard conditions, and hurricane-force winds."
In 1925, 20 mushers and 150 sled dogs undertook a 674-mile journey across the U.S. territory of Alaska, known as the Great Race of Mercy, the Serum Run, or simply the 1925 Serum Run to Nome. This heroic endeavor was intended to transport diphtheria antitoxin to the small town of Nome and its surrounding communities, which were in danger of an epidemic of diphtheria.
The mission was completed in 5+1⁄2 days, and radio and newspapers across the country celebrated the mushers and dogs involved. The lead sled dog on the final stretch, Balto, was particularly famous and is memorialized with statues in Central Park in New York City and in downtown Anchorage, Alaska.
However, it was Togo's team that traveled the most dangerous part of the route and the farthest – 261 miles (420 km) – while Balto's team only ran 55 miles (89 km). Additionally, the publicity of the mission helped spur an inoculation campaign in the U.S. that greatly reduced the threat of the disease.
Read what Redditors had to say about this story:
One Redditor shared:

These dogs were our childhood heroes

Wonderful dogs

". The owner always regretted Balto getting so much recognition since Togo did and sacrificed so much more."

Located two degrees south of the Arctic Circle, Nome, Alaska, was the largest town in northern Alaska in 1925, with 455 Alaska Natives and 975 settlers of European descent. Despite this, its population was greatly diminished from its peak of 20,000 during the gold rush at the turn of the 20th century.
From November to July, the port on the southern shore of the Seward Peninsula of the Bering Sea was icebound and inaccessible by steamship. The only source of mail and supplies during this time was the Iditarod Trail, a 938-mile route from the port of Seward to Nome.
However, within a decade, bush flying would become the primary form of transportation during the winter months.
"The Disney movie is absolutely adorable"

"Togo was portrayed by dog actor Diesel, who is a direct descendant of Togo 14 generations back."

These Redditors have good ideas:

Certified Very Good Boys

This is interesting, if it is true:

"I want this dog as my spirit animal."

Dogs are truly wonderful companions and helpers. They are loyal, loving, and devoted to their humans. Dogs have been man’s best friend for centuries and have offered us a lifetime of unconditional love, companionship, and protection.
Dogs can be our faithful confidants, our loyal confidants, and our unwavering protectors. Not to mention, dogs are also incredibly helpful and useful. They can help us in a variety of ways, including serving as guide dogs for the visually impaired, therapy dogs, and assisting police in searching for missing persons.
They save lives in so many ways.