Experienced Akita Breeder Refuses To Sell A Puppy To His Brother Because He Believes He Can't Handle One And Gets Criticized By Some Family Members
"My brother is a very good pet owner, but his dog is not really well trained. You can't train an Akita that way. They need to obey."

Some dogs are not for beginners or people who can’t devote time to them. And Akita is one of those breeds. Many people choose their dogs based on their appearance, which is a mistake.
You should choose a breed that’s compatible with your lifestyle. One Reddit user, who is an experienced dog breeder, refused to sell a puppy to his own brother because he wasn’t ready for it.
Take a look at this interesting story. It is such a refreshment to see such a responsible dog breeder.
“I breed Japanese Akita dogs. They are excellent animals and make great companions. They, however, are not without issues. They are not fans of strangers. They are sometimes aggressive towards other dogs of the same sex.
They are not usually a dog you want to take to an off-leash park. They are very strong-willed, and I would not recommend one for a first-time dog owner,” he honestly says.
The puppies are usually sold even before birth, but this time he had one left because a customer backed out. And OP’s brother wanted it.
“My brother piped up and said he would buy it, for a discount. His kids got all wide-eyed and excited. I didn't want to disappoint them but I know I could easily find my puppy home and declined.
I like to know my dogs are getting a good home. I am not a puppy mill.
As I said Akitas are sort of well known for being dickish towards other dogs of the same sex. And while my brother is a very good pet owner, his dog is not really well trained.
He is a happy, healthy, adult dog that knows and usually obeys the basic commands. You can't train an Akita that way. They need to obey.”
OP asks:

He is an experienced and responsible Akita breeder. And he is fully aware of the breed's good and bad sides.

His brother wanted one of the puppies, and OP refused to sell him. That made his kids cry

OP believes that Akita would be to much for his brother

Now some family members criticize him for his decision.

Redditors think OP did nothing wrong

OP wants his brother to read the answers

Dog care professional says:

They say that OP’s brother should do his research

He is not thinking about possible consequences.

OP says:

Experienced dog owner says:

Any breed can be bad without training

This is true:

People should think:

This is how you do it:

No-win situation

His business, his puppy, his decision...

Working dogs need work

Dog rescue professional says:

Puppies need attention, socialization and training.

Dogs are adorable. And some breeds are prettier than others. Akitas and Chows are some of the prettiest dogs out there. They look like giant cuddly teddy bears.
But their fuzzy looks are in contrast with their nature. They need a firm hand and good training. People who can’t devote time to training and exercise should look at other breeds.