Things Only People Born in the 1990s Will Understand About What Life Was Like

It made for a truly interesting childhood.

  • Published in Funny
Things Only People Born in the 1990s Will Understand About What Life Was Like

Being born in the mid 90's brought a lot of interesting experiences (some leftovers from the early 90's and others organic to the time) and a childhood like no other.

It seems like no matter where you lived, if you were born in this brilliant and brief window of time, your childhood included the same bits and pieces. From technology and stationary to music and TV, we experienced some truly iconic things.

Here are some examples of the iconic things that seemingly everyone around the world born in the mid 90's experienced and made our childhoods the truly brilliant nostalgia fuel they were for us all.

The applications we wasted our time on

The applications we wasted our time onSource

Doing this in MS Paint

Doing this in MS PaintSource

The cool variety of accessories that were available

The cool variety of accessories that were available Source

The gradual implementation of smart boards to the classrooms

and the learning the teachers had to do to adapt.

The gradual implementation of smart boards to the classroomsSource

Having had both of these and being efficient at typing on both

Having had both of these and being efficient at typing on bothSource

The wide variety of mobile games we had access to over the years

The wide variety of mobile games we had access to over the yearsSource

The music players we had (many of us before we had phones).

The music players we had (many of us before we had phones).Source

The classics that were on Disney Channel

The classics that were on Disney Channel

and cartoon network

and cartoon network

Being in school for the height of Harry Potter...

Being in school for the height of Harry Potter...



and The Hunger Games

and The Hunger Games

Living through Neopets at their height

Living through Neopets at their heightSource

Getting to see the development of social media from Myspace to todays landscape of Facebook, Instagram and Tumblr

Getting to see the development of social media from Myspace to todays landscape of Facebook, Instagram and TumblrSource Source

The change in video consumption from the store to Netflix.

The change in video consumption from the store to Netflix.Source

The wide variety of bands that were popular in our time.

The wide variety of bands that were popular in our time.Scott Gries Bryan Steffy

The challenging experience of using Limewire.


The challenging experience of using Limewire.Source

and getting to see the best of Vine.

and getting to see the best of Vine.Source