21 People Revealed What Inspires Them To Be Kind And Like To Encourage Goodness In Others

If being a nice person is a choice, then it should be the right one according to these kind people.

21 People Revealed What Inspires Them To Be Kind And Like To Encourage Goodness In Others

There is so much kindness in us, humans. Innately, we are all nice and good people who instinctively take care of each other without any thoughts.

But, during the years and various circumstances, we have learned that sometimes it's better to watch your own business. The intention of supporting someone could be misunderstood and could hurt your feelings easily.

Although being nice to others may be emotionally costly at times, some people still stay with their positive attitude to be as kind as possible. Despite the following risk and complete awareness that in the end, they are the ones that may end up as a victim, they go for it no matter the consequences.

It makes you wonder where they find that courage and inexhaustible positivity and what drives them. Well, the secret is that those the kindest individuals are driven by the desire to make the world a better place, to make a good change, and they choose kindness above all.

Their generosity inspires them to be better ones, even the others sometimes, it brings them joy, and they are simply optimistic people who don't know how to act maliciously, neither they want to. They are full of compassion and empathy for others, and they gladly show it.

They love spreading kindness and follow their innate need and heart to do everything in their power to help others reach the right way. It's always pleasant to meet those friendly people, you can almost see how their serene energy flows around them, affecting all nearby people's souls, including yours, too.

In order to better understand where these incredible individuals draw their unlimited brightly energy from, and what makes them behave nicely and kindly all the time, a Reddit user asked them. Here are their secrets and motivations.

The original question:

The original question:Reddit

A driving force that inspires the whole world, and the people in it also.

A driving force that inspires the whole world, and the people in it also.Reddit

Or this, always be careful because you don't know others' lives and their problems.

Or this, always be careful because you don't know others' lives and their problems.Reddit

Being nice to someone could be a life-changing moment for him.

Being nice to someone could be a life-changing moment for him.Reddit

It wasn't a pleasant situation, but it opened his eyes and helped him realize everything.

It wasn't a pleasant situation, but it opened his eyes and helped him realize everything.Reddit

If you can choose between making something better and worse, choose better.

If you can choose between making something better and worse, choose better.Reddit

Because it takes zero effort.

Because it takes zero effort.Reddit

If it can be compared.

If it can be compared.Reddit

Just be yourself, always.

Just be yourself, always.Reddit

If you can help, then you should help.

If you can help, then you should help.Reddit

The golden rule.

The golden rule.Reddit

Being nice represents no effort for him.

Being nice represents no effort for him.Reddit

A different view.

A different view.Reddit

He likes to be a good person.

He likes to be a good person.Reddit

It's a matter of motivation.

It's a matter of motivation.Reddit

"I’m nice to other people for myself, not for them"




It's just inherently.

It's just inherently. Reddit

A peaceful mind.

A peaceful mind.Reddit

It could help, but it is not crucial.

It could help, but it is not crucial.Reddit

Plus, it doesn't cost you at all.

Plus, it doesn't cost you at all.Reddit

If being a nice person is a choice, then everyone should choose to be the best version of themself and spread good vibes and positivity. According to people who naturally act kindly and nicely, it takes no effort at all.

So, if it is really a choice, then it should be the easiest one. Helping others can fill your heart and mind with joy and happiness, and these are priceless emotions.

If every one of us tries to be better to other people and ourselves also, just imagine how effortlessly we could transform this world into a perfect one. Everything depends on ourselves, so be kind and choose kindness.
