Redditor Insists On Neighbor Doing Something To Stop Her Dog From Barking At Their Dogs In The Garden
Every time OP's dogs are in the back garden, the neighbor's dog is barking at them.
- Published in Interesting
In a tale of neighboring dog drama shared on Reddit, OP, a resident of the UK, faces ongoing challenges with their neighbor's Golden Retriever constantly barking at their two dogs, an Alsatian and an English Mastiff pup. Despite trying various solutions, including erecting a higher fence to obstruct the view, the neighbor's dog continues to jump and bark, unsettling OP's pets.
For nearly two years, this issue has persisted, with the neighbor's dog becoming increasingly disobedient and failing to respond to calls to return inside. Despite the neighbor's efforts to walk her dog daily, the lack of discipline has allowed the dog to continue its unruly behavior.
Feeling exasperated, OP decides to have a conversation with the neighbor about the barking situation. They politely ask if the neighbor could keep her dog inside when it doesn't need to go outside.
However, this request upsets the neighbor, who believes her dog is entitled to use its garden freely. She argues that her dog merely wants to meet OP's dogs, but due to OP's apprehensions, they have refused all offers for the dogs to interact.
Seeking a resolution, OP proposes that the neighbor block off the area around her fence to prevent her dog from jumping on it and barking. Unfortunately, this suggestion does not go over well either, leading to further tension between the two.
The neighbor criticizes OP's dog-walking habits, suggesting that walking their dogs would solve the issue. However, OP disagrees, citing their past dogs as examples of well-behaved pets without regular walks. The conversation quickly escalates, with the neighbor accusing OP of acting entitled.
Now, OP is left questioning whether they were wrong to ask their neighbor to take action regarding her dog's behavior. In this situation, it's essential to consider both perspectives and find a middle ground.
While both sides have valid points, neighbors need to communicate openly and respectfully. Understanding each other's concerns and finding compromises can lead to a harmonious coexistence.
OP and their neighbor both have dogs and every time OP's dogs are in the back garden, the neighbor's dog starts barking
u/Spirited_Ad9924The neighbor's dog will even jump on the fence and bark
u/Spirited_Ad9924OP put up a higher fence but it didn't help
u/Spirited_Ad9924This happened again and OP decided that enough is enough
u/Spirited_Ad9924OP's suggestion upset the neighbor
u/Spirited_Ad9924OP suggested that she blocks off the area around the fence but the neighbor didn't like this idea either
u/Spirited_Ad9924The neighbor believes that it's best if the dogs just meet each other properly
u/Spirited_Ad9924Just move
u/777ErinWilsonYou gotta walk your dogs
u/Any-Strawberry-9395Ignore the barking
u/Miserable_Dentist_70There are ways for both of the two sides to improve this situation like the neighbor could consider implementing training techniques to curb her dog's barking and improve obedience. This would help minimize disruptions for both households.
Additionally, OP might explore opportunities to introduce their dogs in a controlled environment to assess the potential for positive interactions.
While both parties have different perspectives, finding common ground and addressing the root of the problem can lead to a more peaceful and amicable living situation.