Neglected Horse Is Now Winning Awards After Being Brought Back From The Brink Of Death

Heidi is a born fighter and she is proving it every day.

Neglected Horse Is Now Winning Awards After Being Brought Back From The Brink Of Death

The volunteers from the British Horse Society could not hold their tears after witnessing the most heartbreaking sight in East Durham, England. Next to a building site was a horse laying in the middle of the mud, all alone.

The rescue team was initially confused about why the horse chose that spot in particular. After further investigation, they realized that the poor horse, Heidi was in a terrible condition and needed immediate medical assistance.

The poor horse could barely even breathe, let alone stand on her own. The British Horse Society volunteers knew they had to act quickly to give Heidi a second chance.

The starving pony was immediately taken somewhere safe by the volunteers, who tried to help Heidi as much as they could. However, putting Heidi back on her feet was a nearly impossible mission considering her state.

Despite everything Heidi went through, she ended up being a fighter who proves she is a born survivor. Her recovery was quick and it only took her five weeks to regain control and stand on her feet all by herself.

Now, she is barely recognizable and managed to get back on her feet. She refused to give up and proved everyone wrong.

The volunteers from the British Horse Society were shocked by the horrible sight they stumbled upon.


“The volunteer was horrified at what she first thought was a dead horse amongst the mud and rubbish,” the rescue wrote on Facebook.

“Moments later however, the horse was seen to be breathing and the shocked volunteer quickly made a call for assistance.”


“The early days were touch and go, as we dealt with her serious weakness and such a low blood protein level that a plasma transfusion was required,” Wendy Suddes from the charity Here4Horses explained


“It took months and months to get Heidi well enough to run free in our pastures.”

“It took months and months to get Heidi well enough to run free in our pastures.”Here4Horses

Heidi is now a totally different animal now. Her transformation is simply incredible.

She regained her natural beauty after gaining weight and growing her hair back.

Heidi is now a totally different animal now. Her transformation is simply incredible.Here4Horses

She is a happy and healthy rosette-winning horse. Take a look at Heidi's incredible transformation here:


Heidi refused to give up and kept fighting until she was back on her feet. Now she is shining and proving to the whole world that no matter what you go through, you can still overcome the condition you find yourself in and thrive.

Props to the volunteers from the British Horse Society and the amazing work they do. They saved Heidi from a horrible faith and made sure she gets back on her feet and much more. You can help support them by making a donation on their website. They could use all the help they get.

Neglected horses like Heidi receive crucial help from this organization, they are doing wonders and making a real change in the world. If you enjoyed this story, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
