Nearly Impossible Things That People Managed To Catch On Camera
The probability of something like that happening is almost non-existent

Thanks to the internet, a lot of us were given the opportunity to see some things that we normally would never be able to witness in person. Cameras are everywhere nowadays, so people are taking more and more pictures every single day and some of them end up being shocking or hard to believe.
These Reddit users were nice enough to share the weird and nearly impossible things they were able to witness. Each picture is weirder than the one before it and trying to make sense of what's going on in the picture will only give you more headaches and absolutely no answers.
1. "In 1990, A Panel Of The Windscreen On British Airways Flight 5390 Fell Out At 17k Feet, Causing The Cockpit To Decompress & Its Captain To Be Sucked Halfway Out Of The Aircraft. The Crew Held Onto Him For More Than 20 Minutes As The Copilot Made An Emergency Landing. The Pilot Made A Full Recovery"

2. "The Laura Buxton Coincidence"

3. "Two Strangers Sit Next To Each Other On A Flight And Meet Their Doppelganger"

4. "Twins Married Twins To Give Birth To Another Twins"

5. "It's Gotta Be Weird To Go To The Mall One Day And Run Into... Yourself"

6. "“And I Took That Personally” - Tsutomu Yamaguchi (Probably)"

7. "The First Time My Friend Visited My Apartment She Was Mind-Blown That My Shower Curtain Looked “Exactly” Like One Of Her Shirts. I Half-Seriously Said That Her Story Sounded Made Up And Promptly Forgot About It Until She Returned The Following Week To Demonstrate. I Forever Stand Corrected"

8. "Beluga Whale Saves An iPhone!"

9. "Saw This Photo Posted Here.. Noticed I Have The Photo The Grandmother Took That Day. (Bought At An Antique Shop Years Ago In Phx)"

10. "Thanks Jesus"

11. "I Know Twins Have Similarities But God Damn"

12. "Taking A Picture Like This"

13. "This Is A Tomato That Accidently Grew Inside Of The Fence"

14. "A Well Captured Photo Of Lightning Struck The Eiffel Tower"

15. "What A Close Call"

16. "This Mother Deer Has Two Albino Fawns..."

17. "None Of Their Feet Are Touching The Floor"

18. "This Is How The Newspapers Were Stacked Up At My Job"

19. "Arrow In A Power Cable"

20. "That’s Gotta Be A First"

21. "Went To Take A Picture Of The Rainbow And Lightning Struck At The Same Time!"

22. "Down You Go"

23. "My Grandma Died On My Grandpa’s Birthday. My Grandpa Died On My Grandma’s Birthday"

24. "Small World"

25. Two Drunk Guys Imitate Connor Mcgregor As He Drives Past

26. "Unexpected Reunion"

27. " Landslide Splits Just Before Hitting A Farm In Iceland. Happened This Morning. No One Got Hurt"

28. "What Goes Around Comes Around"

29. "Lucky Nurse"

30. "Genes Are Everything"

31. "Car Found After An Amber Alert Near Me"

32. "We Were Seconds Away From Losing Our Home To The California Fire. Thank You To All The Firefighters That Saved Our Community!"

33. "Many Of You Might Have Seen This . But For Those Who Haven't"

34. "Neighbor Brings Owner Identical Cat"

35. "One Man's Best Friend"

36. "Couple Proposes To Each Other At The Same Time"

37. "This Hare Caught On Google Street"

38. "Lightning Striking Simultaneously On Chicago's Three Tallest Buildings"

39. "The Cat Knocked My Daughter’s Fish Bowl Off The Dresser"

40. "This Hero Has Luck +9000"
