Thanks To Netflix, A Bunch Of National Brands Are Tweeting Some Inappropriate But Hilarious Stuff

Pushing boundaries is a favored past time by Twitter users

  • Published in Funny
Thanks To Netflix, A Bunch Of National Brands Are Tweeting Some Inappropriate But Hilarious Stuff

I've decided that managing the social media handles for national brands has got to be one of the funnest jobs on the planet because lately, some major and well-known brands have had some top-notch marketing geniuses working their way through some funny situations. Who could forget (or even want to forget) how the personalities behind Bark Box handled a scandalous looking pig plush? How could any of us forget at any given moment how great the folks behind Wendy's on Twitter are at dragging people?

Either way, Netflix enacted the latest and greatest when they asked ever-so-eloquently, "what is something you can say during sex but also when you manage a brand Twitter account?" The Internet... responded hilariously.

Oh Boy!

Oh Boy!netflix

A Classic Missed Opportunity.

A Classic Missed Opportunity.Wendys

Oh, did I forget to mention that Netflix continuously responded to the answers?

Which hilariously amplified things.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Netflix continuously responded to the answers?Yelp



That is mighty sassy, Netflix.

That is mighty sassy,

So, THAT'S why.

So, THAT'S why.Groupon

I don't care who you are, that's funny.

I don't care who you are, that's funny.Arbys

Release the BANHAMMER

Release the BANHAMMERinstagram

Pairs nicely with whipped cream.

Pairs nicely with whipped cream.benandjerrys

Mmmm, bone in.

Mmmm, bone in.wingstop

Disney+ must have loved this one.

Disney+ must have loved this one.IMDb

Confusion Intensifies.

Confusion Intensifies.Rolling_Rock

Well played, Netflix. Well played.

A rather unusual compliment.

A rather unusual compliment.jimmyjohns

That's more like it.

That's more like it.DIRECTV

The best part of the game.

The best part of the


Rated M for Mature.

Rated M for Mature.DOOM

Good luck getting your mind out of the gutter tonight. Don't forget to share with your friends!
