People Who Narrowly Escaped Death And Now Live In Their Own Version of Final Destination

These definitely did happen, unlike other stories on the internet

People Who Narrowly Escaped Death And Now Live In Their Own Version of Final Destination

We hear about people just barely escaping death all the time. The stories are astonishing! 

You're always left wondering what saved them? Is this going to be like Final Destination and they will have to live out the rest of their lives avoiding death's fateful revenge?

Okay, okay I may have gotten a little out of hand with that, but my point still stands. These people are collecting four-leaf clovers, counting lucky stars, hugging their lucky pennies close, and most definitely playing the lottery after these crazy near misses with death itself. 

Scroll below for pics, because it definitely did happen. 

I can't even fathom seeing a boulder the size of your house just rolling on by.

I can't even fathom seeing a boulder the size of your house just rolling on by.BP

Or as my husband calls them: death wheels

Or as my husband calls them: death wheelsBP

My opinions on bull fighting aside, this dude better count his lucky stars

My opinions on bull fighting aside, this dude better count his lucky starsBP

I'm not sure if this would be dangerous, but is epic regardless.

I'm not sure if this would be dangerous, but is epic regardless.BP

A shark bite survival! Some scientists believe that the shark will determine whether it wants you for dinner with its first bite via the ratio of fat to bone on your body.

A shark bite survival! Some scientists believe that the shark will determine whether it wants you for dinner with its first bite via the ratio of fat to bone on your body.BP

When your dad skills and your gym skills work together to save your kid's face

When your dad skills and your gym skills work together to save your kid's faceBP

Of all the things to fall on you while you ride a bike, the answer "car inside of a parking garage" has got to be low on the list.

Of all the things to fall on you while you ride a bike, the answer BP

Yes, this person did keep their head.

Yes, this person did keep their head.BP

And to think that those helmets/face masks haven't always been required...

And to think that those helmets/face masks haven't always been required...BP

When your phone takes a chainsaw to the back instead of you

When your phone takes a chainsaw to the back instead of youBP

This guy's great grandfather was shot in WWI. The coins in his breast pocket stopped the German bullet from causing his untimely death.

This guy's great grandfather was shot in WWI. The coins in his breast pocket stopped the German bullet from causing his untimely death.BP

The luckiest of all the ducks!

The luckiest of all the ducks!BP

You don't mess with snow

You don't mess with snowBP

Oh you know, just cruising on by

Oh you know, just cruising on byBP

Now that's precision

Now that's precisionBP

This truck driver got caught in a mudslide on California's coastal highway, and lived to tell the tale.

This truck driver got caught in a mudslide on California's coastal highway, and lived to tell the tale.BP

My stomach dropped on this one

My stomach dropped on this oneBP



Now you can tell people at parties for years to come that beer saved your life.

Now you can tell people at parties for years to come that beer saved your life.BP

