40+ Of The Most "Mundane" Celeb Encounters That Are Actually Really Fascinating
When has meeting a celebrity ever been mundane?
- Published in Film & TV
We all have that one celebrity we absolutely adore and who we'd love to meet even at least once. Unfortunately, meeting celebrities isn't like meeting your town mayor.
With your town mayor, you can request a meeting or even just spot them at a restaurant here and there. For celebrities though, you'd have to be one of them to get a chance to be in a meeting with them or to even dine with them.
For most of us, seeing or meeting a celeb is a very rare opportunity. The closest the lot of us can hope for is to see them in their next film or with a snap-on social media.
That's why we can't exactly call it mundane even if you are meeting a celeb out in public with very mundane circumstances. Some can even be very special.
On Twitter, user MavenofHonor tweeted, "Now, more than ever, we should share our most mundane celebrity encounters. She even included her own example saying, "For example, in 2002 I saw Diane Keaton in the Gap.”
While her example may have been mundane since that was the entire point of her tweet, the responses were anything but. What makes it more exciting is that some celebs even responded to these tweets.
Check them out:
1. Both off the beaten path
Abbi Crutchfield2. Hope they both had fun
The Resistance Chef3. Was he truly disappointed though?
iamjulian4. Good for you and your feet Larry
Tim5. Well that's one unique thing to remember him by
Jeremi M. Gosney6. That's more time spent with him than a lot of people
Kirk Rudell7. Both of you have good taste
Amy B8. That's definitely a great way to fact check
Tessa Duvall9. This sounds like a movie plot not a mundane celeb encounter
503jason10. That's a sweet experience and definitely not mundane
My Mama Called Me Yilly11. Meeting someone you adore who's genuine is a one-of-a-kind experience
Miss Frizzle's Bus12. How can you say no?
MIKE.13. He definitely is one of the sweetest!
Dan Rowland14. Lucky girl!
Mrs. Biondo15. Imagine him saying "I'm Cat Man"
Chris Boulos16. That's LA for you
Danny Neckel17. Whoops that's one hell of a late night call
Ꭰ.Ꮭ. ᎷᎯᎡᎿᏐй18. It is a sensible question to ask
mads19. That dog definitely has the charms!
Lauren Hough20. This is simply a magnificent response from Scheer
royalubiquitous21. Mr. Schwarzenegger definitely knows how to make people laugh
Mark Drop22. We think this leans more towards weird or awkward celebrity encounters rather than mundane celeb encounters
Zack Bornstein23. Why do we feel so jealous of this interaction?
𝔄𝔩𝔢𝔵𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔚𝔞𝔯𝔡 - Black Lives Matter24. We wonder what kind of sandwiches she orders
David French25. Maybe they were just on the same wavelength that day at that exact place
Nick Wiger26. That is one adventurous day to talk about in years to come
Jotham Sederstrom27. Well, there's nothing else to expect of Hollywood really. It would be weird if that didn't happen.
Rex Hambleton28. She's probably one of the last people to get an autograph in a mundane circumstance like this one
Bethany Thomas29. Well, it can be pretty hard to decide on ice cream flavors. There's so many good ones!
S.E. Cupp30. Probably one of the rare instances someone was above the queen
Grassy Knoller31. Hope they still have the sheets and pillow at least
Sandy Gamba32. Dude probably thought he was going to get followed home
Cyd is vaxxed Raff33. What a nice guy
Carrie Firestone34. Keeping it very casual and low-key
everett byram35. This person probably doesn't realize how lucky they are
JT36. She should have yelled 'elevation!'
Amanda Carpenter37. Oh those poor phones!
your real dad38. How can you not be amazed by the size of the man?
The Ever Elusive Weezopotamus.39. We hope that made his morning
Fernand AmandiThe fact that these people encountered some of the world's most famous people is already far from mundane unless you live in their neighborhood, in LA, or Hollywood, of course. And as far as we can tell, none of these are really something you'd find in everyday life situations to be considered mundane.
A lot of these are pretty awesome stories too! Which one do you think you would have enjoyed the most if you were in that situation?