White Lion's Majestic Mane Is Ruling The Internet For All The Right Reasons

This dude never has a bad hair day. Ever.

White Lion's Majestic Mane Is Ruling The Internet For All The Right Reasons

Ever seen a white lion flaunting his mane? Yeah, me neither, so when I saw this, my jaw hit the floor.

Meet Moya, a 6-year-old South African lion residing at the Glen Garriff Conservation lion sanctuary. This majestic lion has become an internet sensation after posing for the cameraman in style and poise!

If you've ever seen lions, you know they're a force to be reckoned with, but Moya? He's a superstar.

He's still a lion, so take no chances, but as long as you respect that he could wipe you off the face of this planet if you get too close, he's okay with being gazed at.

Moya loves attention, and you can tell that he had his poses all sorted out. If it wasn't for British wildlife photographer Simon Needham, who currently lives in Los Angeles, we'd have never known how awesome Moya and his mane are.

Needham's only purpose was to show the world how great wild lions are and also raise awareness of the kind of lives they live. He said, "Moya’s stunning coat blew me away the first time I saw it..."

He continued to say, "Although it was quite difficult to get close to him, I had a few moments when he came close enough for me to get a few great shots as he walked his territory. When you are in the moment you don’t really get chance to appreciate the beauty of it all but obviously afterwards, I realized what lovely pictures we had."

Lovely is an understatement, in my opinion. These pictures are epic.

As soon as Needham uploaded Moya's pictures online, they quickly went viral, for all the right reasons. Needham hopes that these pictures will showcase Glen Garriff Conservation sanctuary and the work they're doing to help protect these majestic animals.

Needham said, "I’m really happy to be part of bringing well deserved attention to a very worthy cause at GG Conservation Glen Garriff where they have 77 lions in their care..."

Just look at Moya's majesty. Nothing else truly matters.

Just look at Moya's majesty. Nothing else truly matters.Simon Needham

I think my heart just exploded.

I think my heart just exploded.Simon Needham

He's extremely handsome and I'm sure you'll agree too.

He's extremely handsome and I'm sure you'll agree too.Simon Needham

Moya's mane has rocked the internet for all the right reasons.

Moya's mane has rocked the internet for all the right reasons.Simon Needham

He even rocks the black and white look.

He even rocks the black and white look.Simon Needham

Here's Moya showering some love on the lioness.

In Summary...

Isn't Moya just stunning and handsome at the same time?! As long as we respect their boundaries, they won't hurt us in any way.

However, there are some people who continue to trespass the boundaries wildlife has put forth for itself. They continue to hurt wildlife for their own benefit.

And for this reason, African lions are classified as vulnerable and listed in the IUCN Red List. While there are less than 20,000 wild lions on the planet, they're extinct in 26 African countries.

If people don't stop killing them, we'll have no more lions left in the world for future generations to see and gaze at. About 90% of the lion population has disappeared.

It's up to us to conserve our creatures. Let's save our lions.
