Here Are 12 Movie Secrets That The Directors Hid From All Of Us That Are Quite Surprising

It's no secret that movies aren't exactly what they seem, but this will still surprise you.

Here Are 12 Movie Secrets That The Directors Hid From All Of Us That Are Quite Surprising

Movies are inevitably one of the coolest things because of the different special effects and touching up that you can do to make a movie completely different from what would have been seen when the actors filmed the scene. For example, the use of a green screen is something that's been around for quite some time.

Green screens are a great way to input backgrounds or add-ons such as wings to give a character or scene more dimension. It's also common that CGI is used to create common characters.

For example, the wolves that were in Twilight were obviously not real, as they were made using CGI. When the actors filmed scenes with the wolves, there was really nothing and no one there acting as the wolf.

These touches are added once the scenes are filmed, which brings the movie to life and gives us all of the amazingness that we see in the final product. We wanted to share a few movie secrets that directors hid from us whether that's sharing CGI characters, behind-the-scenes, or other peeks into the filming of the movie.

Let's dive in and take a look at these hidden secrets that directors kept from us.

They turned out to be the most iconic twin duo in the movie industry for a while.

"Don and Ron Taylor are two policemen who worked as security guards on the set of The Truman Show. Director Peter Weir found their chemistry to be so good and attractive that he decided to hire them.

They became the funny twins you saw on the show."

They turned out to be the most iconic twin duo in the movie industry for a while.The Truman Show / Paramount Pictures

It's truly amazing what they can transform some actors into.

"Gal Gadot filmed almost all of her fight scenes in a blue room, gripped by a harness. The visual effects team later turned those bland shots into masterpieces.

They even made her hair look different."

It's truly amazing what they can transform some actors into.Wonder Woman / DC Films, framestore / Instagram

Well that's a story about a movie actor that we didn't know.

"In one of the scenes from the movie The Nice Guy, we are shown a new character named Fat Andy.

The role was played by an actual Detective Louis Esposito. But years after the movie’s release, Louis Esposito was put into jail because under the cover of a NY detective, he was actually working with a mafia group."

Well that's a story about a movie actor that we didn't know.Goodfellas / Warner Bros.

This is a really interesting way to organize credits.

"In the credits of the movie The Naked Gun, the cast is credited for the dialogues they delivered instead of the characters they played. According to the director, this made people stick till the end of the credits and also made it easy to remember who was who."

This is a really interesting way to organize credits.The Naked Gun / Paramount Pictures

I have to wonder if it's the exact tie or a replica.

"In the movie Saving Mr. Banks, Tom Hanks was seen wearing a tie that Walt Disney used to wear. The tie has a strange symbol on it that looks exactly like the one used by “Smoke Tree Ranch”.

This is a real place where Walt used to go spend his vacations."

I have to wonder if it's the exact tie or a replica.Saving Mr. Banks / Walt Disney Pictures, Mary Evans / AF Archive / East News

I feel like this is awesome for the actors that will basically always have a role with him, but sad for others that will never get a chance.

"A very rare fact about Director Garry Marshall is that he always hires the same actors for all his movies. Even for the little roles."

I feel like this is awesome for the actors that will basically always have a role with him, but sad for others that will never get a chance.Pretty Woman / Touchstone Pictures, The Princess Diaries / Walt Disney Pictures

I love it when actors do improv and it makes it to the final movie.

"The cult dance Joaquin performs in the bathroom, in the movie Joker, was not in the script. The actor improvised the act on the spot and it ended up being one of the most loved scenes from the movie."

I love it when actors do improv and it makes it to the final movie.Joker / Warner Bros.

This is a detail that many people may have missed.

"Remember this portrait from the movie Knives Out? By the end of the movie, the old man can be seen smirking a bit more than he did when the portrait was first seen at the beginning."

This is a detail that many people may have missed.Knives Out / Lionsgate, Knives Out / Lionsgate

It's truly amazing what CGI can do.

"This is what the massive wolf from the movie The Twilight Saga: Eclipse actually looked like on set. Movie magic is insane."

It's truly amazing what CGI can do.The Twilight Saga: Eclipse / Summit Entertainment, twilightstoday / YouTube

This is actually a really interesting fact.

"The man we see playing the piano in this scene from The Truman Show is actually the music composer of the movie."

This is actually a really interesting fact.The Truman Show / Paramount Pictures

Okay now this is a little mind blowing.

"Remember those gorgeous horse riding scenes in the movie Mulan? Well, the horse wasn’t actually there, to begin with. It was just Mulan’s great imagination and the visual effects team’s amazing work."

Okay now this is a little mind blowing.Mulan / Walt Disney Pictures, ImageworksVFX / YouTube

This is just too funny and such a good scenario for The Rock.

"For the movie Red Notice, the moviemakers got a super cool sportscar for Dwayne Johnson to drive in one of the scenes. Owing to the actor’s massive muscles, he never managed to fit in the car.

The directors had to use movie magic to execute that scene."

This is just too funny and such a good scenario for The Rock.therock / Instagram

Learning the secrets behind movie magic, CGI, and what directors are capable of can make us second guess every movie we've ever watched. Regardless, this was a really cool compilation of movie secrets and we hope you enjoyed them.
