Responsible For His Late Mom's Macaw Son Thinks About Putting Him To Sleep
Should he put his late mom's macaw to sleep?

Every year, thousands of pets face the risk of ending up on the street after their owner passes away. This is because many pet owners do not make concrete arrangements on who will look after their pets when they die.
All too often, it is believed that the pet will be adopted by friends or relatives. Sadly, not everyone is capable or eager to assume pet care following the owner's passing.
One Reddit user, RemarkableLab7, took the AITA subreddit to ask whether it was ok for him to put his mother's macaw to sleep after she passed away. His mother got the bird named Charlie after her retirement and had cared for him since he was a hatchling.
However, when she passed away, he took over the responsibility of caring for the bird. According to RemarkableLab7, his mother spoiled Charlie rotten while she was alive.
Although he didn't have a problem taking Charlie in since the bird likes him too, he said Charlie is no longer his usual self. The bird often refuses to eat.
Instead, he plucks his feathers, attacks, and bites. RemarkableLab7 said he took Charlie to a veterinarian bird specialist and was told he was stressed.
The vet suggested he put Charlie down if things don't improve because his current condition is like a slow death. However, RemarkableLab7 can't bear the thought of putting Charlie down because he's filled with guilt since his mother entrusted the bird's care to him, and he is all he has left of her.
Would RemarkableLab7 be doing something wrong if he puts Charlie down as suggested by the vet? Here's what the AITA community thinks.
Charlie is under stress, but here's what Reddit thinks.

1. He should consider giving the bird to a bird sanctuary instead of putting him down.

2. The bird needs help from a behaviorist, not a veterinarian.

3. The bird can live up to 50 years, so it would be bad to put it down when it's only 15 years old.

4. The bird is still grieving the loss of his previous owner.

5. He should consult other experts since the vet doesn't know how to de-stress the bird.

6. He should put the bird down only if he's unable to find a recuse for him.

7. Putting the bird down should be a last resort after trying other things to reduce Charlie's stress.

8. He should get a second opinion rather than follow the vet's recommendation.

9. He should give the bird to someone else if he's not capable of caring for him.

10. A rescue group is a better option.

11. Birds grieve too, and should be given time to mourn the loss of their favorite people.

12. Acting on the opinion of one expert is not enough.

13. A rehabilitation center can help Charlie through his grieving period.

14. Parrots are intelligent enough to grieve the loss of their owners and move on afterwards.

15. He shouldn't feel guilty about rehoming the bird if he can't provide the help he needs.

16. It's normal for Macaws to behave like this after their owner passes.

17. Rather than putting the bird down, he should rehome him.

18. Although putting a pet down is sad, there are situations where it is the best thing to do.

19. He should sell the bird to someone with experience caring for birds.

20. He wants to do away with the bird because he's too lazy to rehome him.

What Do You Think?
Sometimes it is hard to know when the time is right to humanely end a pet's suffering by putting them to sleep. Euthanasia in animals is meant to end their suffering when there is little or no hope of recovery from illness or injury.
While the decision to euthanize a pet is difficult and up to the pet owner, the pet's best interest should be considered. What do you think?