Redditor Considers Requesting Compensation From Mother Over The Unexpected Disappearance Of A High-End Property In Their Mothers Care

"WIBTA if I asked her to replace the tent as she has given my tent away without telling me?"

Redditor Considers Requesting Compensation From Mother Over The Unexpected Disappearance Of A High-End Property In Their Mothers Care

This story goes back two years ago, when an eventful party took place, promising an evening of joy and celebration. The skies, however, had other plans, as the weather forecast predicted a downpour on that very day.

Desperate for a solution, our narrator (Original Poster) scoured every corner, hoping to find a rental party tent to shield the festivities from the rain. To OP's dismay, none of the vendors had any tent large enough to accommodate the occasion.

With OP's hopes dwindling, a glimmer of luck shone upon them when they stumbled upon a used tent being sold on an online marketplace.

They quickly purchased the tent, knowing that holding the event was of utmost importance. It was a costly investment, but OP intended to sell it afterward to recoup their expenses.

Another problem came up after the party when OP realized that they had no place to store the tent and its numerous poles. Luckily, OP's mom came forward with an offer to store the tent at her house in exchange for using it during her own parties.

This arrangement sounded ideal, especially since OP had plans to move to a new home with more storage space later on. They agreed to their mother's proposal, confident that the tent would be safe and accessible whenever they needed it.

Now, two years have passed, and OP has settled into their new home with plans to host a summer party. Naturally, their thoughts turned to the tent they had left in their mother's care.

However, an unexpected revelation emerged when they inquired about the tent's whereabouts. Their mother confessed that she had lent it to a friend whom she had lost touch with.

This led to a pressing question on the AITA subreddit: Would it be wrong for OP to request that their mother replace the tent, or should they let it go?

The answer lies in the hands of the discerning Reddit community. Scroll down to find out their verdict.

Let's dig into the details

Let's dig into the

OP bought some tents for a party and planned on selling them after the party to recoup some of the money they spent

OP bought some tents for a party and planned on selling them after the party to recoup some of the money they

OP later discovered that their mom gave the tents away without telling them. Now they're contemplating telling their mom to replace the tents

OP later discovered that their mom gave the tents away without telling them. Now they're contemplating telling their mom to replace the

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

"Tell Mom to either give the person's name/address so you can attempt to get it back or buy you a another one."

"NTA. If you lose the property, it's on you to replace it. That's the rule."

"Tell your mom she will be invited next when she has replaced your tent."

"NTA it wasn’t your moms to lend"

"Sounds more like she somehow broke the tent when she last used it, and is afraid of confessing this."

"NTA...She had no right to loan something that was not hers."

"Since it was a $1400 tent, I'd ask my mother for the friend's details and track them down. Can't be that hard these days."

"Either mom gets your tent back or she pays you back the money"

This Redditor has provided 3 options for OP to consider

This Redditor has provided 3 options for OP to

As the Reddit community weighed in on the matter, a resounding verdict echoed throughout the online space. Everyone agreed that OP's mother had crossed the line by giving away the tent without OP's permission.

Suggestions ranged from demanding compensation for the lost tent to compelling their mother to provide the contact information of the friend in question.

We'd love to get your thoughts on this story. Join the conversation in the comments below.
