People Share The Most Useless Skills They Have, And We Honestly Think They Are All Cool Because Of It

Some of these aren't even that useless...

  • Published in Funny
People Share The Most Useless Skills They Have, And We Honestly Think They Are All Cool Because Of It

As people, we are all bound to stumble upon certain skills that we earn as we get older, in addition to the multifold of hobbies that we gather along the way. Let's be honest, life would be pretty boring if you didn't have a little something to look forward to doing whenever work is out of the way.


Some people may learn practical skills like welding, carpentry, cooking, and such, and while these are certainly helpful as we get older, they are just...well, too common, perhaps? Just kidding—some people just have this special ability to absorb some pretty unique skills that no other normal person could even think of trying to learn.

Think deeper, do you have any skill that you think is useless? Some people take pride in the fact that they know how to chirp like a bird, meow like a cat, or tie their shoelaces with just one hand.

That being said, when someone by the handle u/Billa_420 on Reddit posted the question: "What is the most useless skill you have??" under the r/AskReddit community, about 6,000 people flocked the comment section and shared all the skills they have that they think are useless—but are proven otherwise by other people commending them for it. Some responses are hilariously phrased and some are just plain cool when you think about it.

Take a look at some of the best responses in the thread below!

Sliding trash cans and pushing carts? Count us in—but where can we train?

Sliding trash cans and pushing carts? Count us in—but where can we train?Reddit

Hardcore Minecraft player in real life!

Hardcore Minecraft player in real life!Reddit

Most people can do this too...except, with Velcro shoes.

Most people can do this too...except, with Velcro shoes.Reddit

With a talent like that, they would really make a good steam engine train. If all else fails!

With a talent like that, they would really make a good steam engine train. If all else fails!Reddit

We applaud the sheer dedication and persistence—all for the little concerts we hold in bedrooms and bathrooms!

We applaud the sheer dedication and persistence—all for the little concerts we hold in bedrooms and bathrooms!Reddit

Can it also do the macarena?

Can it also do the macarena?Reddit

Unsurprisingly, a lot of people seem to have this skill. If you are one of these people, do try to get some help!

Unsurprisingly, a lot of people seem to have this skill. If you are one of these people, do try to get some help!Reddit

Talk about inverse skills. Seems like some people can't just have it all, huh?

Talk about inverse skills. Seems like some people can't just have it all, huh?Reddit

Go back to this comment if you ever read about a news that someone broke the Guinness world record of stacking M&M's!

Go back to this comment if you ever read about a news that someone broke the Guinness world record of stacking M&M's!Reddit

Electronic chocolate aside, this would be a pretty useful and great skill if—knock on wood—you would go blind.

Electronic chocolate aside, this would be a pretty useful and great skill if—knock on wood—you would go blind. Reddit

Is this a case of a useless skill or bad luck?

Is this a case of a useless skill or bad luck?Reddit

Lucid dreams are a blessing and a curse!

Lucid dreams are a blessing and a curse!Reddit

Or as a worker at a Casino!

Or as a worker at a Casino!Reddit

That would definitely freak people out—geez!

That would definitely freak people out—geez!Reddit

Insignificant and fun trivias still reign supreme above all.

Insignificant and fun trivias still reign supreme above all.Reddit

Well, that's impressive!

Well, that's impressive!Reddit

This is actually a super cool skill to have.

This is actually a super cool skill to have.Reddit

A lot of people have this, too!

A lot of people have this, too!Reddit

It does add a lot of coolness when your classmates see it.

It does add a lot of coolness when your classmates see it.Reddit

That would be a great road to take.

That would be a great road to take.Reddit

Honestly, that's a flex!

Honestly, that's a flex!Reddit

Photographic memory people, where you at?

Photographic memory people, where you at?Reddit

Ever heard of Heardle?

Ever heard of Heardle?Reddit

Well, oops!

Well, oops!Reddit

How about that?

How about that?Reddit

It is truly inevitable for us to pick up some pretty random skills as we go through life, but most of the time, they are also random blessings that may prove to be useful once the right situation comes. How about you, do you have any random "useless" skills to share?

Comment down your thoughts, or share this article for all your family and friends to see!
