21 Of The Most Beautiful Cats In The World That Are Worth Melting For

Whether you like them or not, it's undeniable that cats are truly one of the most gorgeous creatures in the world.

  • Published in Animals
21 Of The Most Beautiful Cats In The World That Are Worth Melting For

Cats are mesmerize-you-beautiful, and even if you are a dog person, this is truly undeniable. Like dogs, they have various features that make them so special, and some even look like they are out of this world!

Contrary to popular belief that cats are awkward and aloof, they are actually really playful and affectionate. For some, they are truly a source of happiness that no other animal could ever replace. Sorry, dog-lovers!

Some are characterized by their pretty eyes, which are even mimicked by some makeup trends nowadays. Some of them are so beautifully patterned with the most amazing color combinations, they almost seem unreal.

A lot of people truly love these felines, and we are no exception. We have curated 21 of the most gorgeous cats in the world that will make you fall head over heels, no matter how hard you try to resist their captivating beauty.

From their intricate markings and beautiful patterns paired with their enchanting eyes, there is surely no way around avoiding their charm. These stunners could certainly give a lot of people a run for their money, what with their amazing features that we can't just get enough of!

Check out these lovely cats below. Fair warning: there is a dangerously high chance you'll fall in love!

1. Bow down to Silky, King of the Cats.

Silky could be the real life Mufasa. He has the looks, the regal factor, and everything in between!

1. Bow down to Silky, King of the Cats.Instagram

2. This kitty looks like a furry reversed skeleton with her black and white markings.

And she beautifully pulls it off.

2. This kitty looks like a furry reversed skeleton with her black and white markings.Instagram

3. Care for a caracal?

Such a striking appearance!

3. Care for a caracal?Instagram

4. Marley the teddy bear!

This cat looks more like a koala—and we're full on heart-eyes mode!

4. Marley the teddy bear!Instagram

5. Captivating eyes.

The owner is always told that her cat has the most beautiful eyes.

5. Captivating eyes.Instagram

6. A cat with a tail?

No, a tail with a cat.

6. A cat with a tail?Instagram

7. A heart-shaped boop.

This cat is a symbol of love!

7. A heart-shaped boop.Instagram

8. Real-life Puss In Boots!

Those eyes!

8. Real-life Puss In Boots!Instagram

9. A kitty mouse.

Just look at those ears!

9. A kitty mouse.Instagram

10. She's cute and she definitely knows it!

She's a daughter of Aphrodite.

10. She's cute and she definitely knows it!Instagram

11. This beautiful Bengal cat is like an adorably tiny tiger.

His name's Thor, and we're convinced that he's truly the God of Thunder.

11. This beautiful Bengal cat is like an adorably tiny tiger.Instagram

12. A lovely princess.

Aurora truly looks like a royalty with that crown.

12. A lovely princess.Instagram

13. An avid listener

This cat is keen on gossip.

13. An avid listenerInstagram

14. G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S

This cat's beauty is really on a different level.

14. G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-SInstagram

15. Galaxy in her eyes.

It's her world and we're all living in it.

15. Galaxy in her eyes.Instagram

16. Eyes to die for.

Such a pretty set of visual organs. She looks glammed up, too!

16. Eyes to die for.Instagram

17. Such beautiful twins!

Heterochromia magic.

17. Such beautiful twins!Instagram

18. A cat whose eyes breathe fire and water.

It's clearer than our future.

18. A cat whose eyes breathe fire and water.Instagram

19. Cuteness overflow.

Adorableness in just one spill!

19. Cuteness overflow.Instagram

20. A beautiful bouquet of fur.

Meet Alice.

20. A beautiful bouquet of fur.Instagram

21. Mimi behind bars.

An epitome of cookies and cream.

21. Mimi behind bars.Instagram

Cat's are truly the best eye candies—and most of them truly know it! These felines are such beautiful blessings that their appearance sometimes looks so out of this world!

Do you know a cat or two that could rival these beauts? Comment down your thoughts below, or share this beautiful collection of cat photos for your family and friends to drool over!
