17 Of The Most Awful Puns That Were Intended To Be Funny
No pun intended.

I know that puns were made to make people laugh, give entertainment to those looking to kill some time but I think we can all agree that most puns are just plain awful and the ones that we have included on this list take it to a whole new level.
I mean it when I say that these are sure going to make you question just how much time people spend on the internet.
So get ready to read some of the worst puns imaginable and if you think I'm being dramatic, try reading these without getting a slight headache in the process.
Look it's a UFO caught on tape

No this is not a date.

It's The Black Eyed Peas Everyone

"I came here yesterday"

Mama cat gently carrying her child

French Kiss

Nothing really "mattress" ?

This right here is a stable relationship

What is Bill Clinton doing hiding in the bushes?

Nice periodic table

Now this is self checkout

Did he really wear a tie with actual planes on it?

Things are getting out of hand

Wal-Mart has raised it's low prices

Spring really is just around the corner

There was a layover at the airport

It was only a game of chess