13+ Funny Tweets That Will Turn Your Day From Gloomy To Bloomy

We've curated the funny tweets that made us laugh out loud

Ivan Kim
  • Published in Funny
13+ Funny Tweets That Will Turn Your Day From Gloomy To Bloomy

We all have bad, gloomy days. What better way to brighten up your day than reading funny tweets? Funny tweets are one of the reasons why I got into Twitter.

Sometimes you'll see me giggling, and that's definitely not because someone is tickling me (although that could happen), but probably because I'm reading funny posts, hilarious memes, or watching cat videos.

We've curated the funny tweets that made us laugh out loud (LOL) and rolling on floor laughing (ROLF). May these tweets help you get through your rough days.

Always remember, if you feel sappy and sad, go straight to Twitter and find yourself some hilarious tweets.

For the meantime, here are 13+ funny tweets you will immensely enjoy.

Well, this is my resting face 100% of the time

A philosopher once said...

No joke, what does that mean?

"What are you?" "A stupid banana"

That guy doesn't really love Stevie

Coz they got the Guy Fieri hair

Can't tell which is which

This is sooo accurate

Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing

Ohhhh, so that's where the problem is.

He's probably the very first George

This couldn't be more true

Clever... but it's not the best food to look at

Flat earthers are legit confused

Yep, this is THE best news report

Ivan Kim