20+ Times People Had To Share What They Go Through In The Hands Of Their Terrible Mother-In-Laws

They are not called 'monster-in-laws' for nothing

20+ Times People Had To Share What They Go Through In The Hands Of Their Terrible Mother-In-Laws

Here comes the bride, the groom - and the mother-in-law. It's official that you marry your spouse's family when you tie the knot, so there's no assurance you'll have a happy marriage to your new mother-in-law.

She might be a monster, strange, or intrusive. Let's begin by giving our mother-in-laws—and dad-in-laws, too—a hearty round of applause for their constant ability to offer new insights into our marriages.

They are an enduring gift that is typically given without request. And considering the contentious portrayal they frequently get in popular culture, it's only right to estimate the delight it gives when we genuinely get along. 

However, there are some unfortunate situations where mother-in-laws can end up being a burden. Some mother-in-laws are simply too much, even with all the respect we have for our beloved husbands and wives.

Some specific examples scream family drama big time. Call it a coincidence, a cursed fate, or sheer evil showing itself in the guise of this lady you'd much rather ignore if it weren't for your significant other.

After reading this list of 20+ horrifying mother-in-law nightmare stories, people might want to avoid certain mothers-in-laws at all costs because they are HORRIBLE!

1. Getting the whole family over

1. Getting the whole family overFacebook

2. "The way my mother-in-law sliced this birthday cake"

2. Cavalier26

3. “Didn’t let wildly abusive alcoholic MIL hold our son. She skulked off upstairs to send us lovely texts. We bolted right out the door.”

3. “Didn’t let wildly abusive alcoholic MIL hold our son. She skulked off upstairs to send us lovely texts. We bolted right out the door.”6wkspreggers

4. This MIL is mad as hell

4. This MIL is mad as helliam_rvxiii

5. "My mother in law"

5. davethurk

6. "MIL practically calls her daughter ugly for cutting her hair. I call her out on it. Argument ends with her saying I have “mommy issues”. My mom left me when I was a teen and caused me a lot of mental trauma. MIL purposely used that and my broken family as a way to attack me for defending my SIL"

6. tripleschwa

7. It's easier to keep him clean

7. It's easier to keep him cleanjazminep

8. "My MIL ladies and gentlemen. 2 of her grandkids are gay, including my stepdaughter."

8. 1LittleMonkeys

9. "Mother-in-law just served me this piece of cake..."

9. SaltyDogBiscuit

10. You were positive and you didn't talk?

10. You were positive and you didn't talk?Stricky92

11. "My MIL to my spouse."

11. SyracuseBiscuits

12. That escalated pretty quickly

12. That escalated pretty quicklyreddit.com

13. "Insane MIL thinks God gives her the right to ignore our boundaries. More in comments."

13. AerialArria

14. "My mother-in-law always adjusts all our hanging pictures when she visits. Always makes them crooked."

14. Reddit

15. "How my future mother-in-law cooks bacon"

15. Reddit

16. "Ex-mother in-law."

16. f*ckthis27

17. "Not FB but I present to you a text from my mother-in-law, who saw that her FB looked different after an update and called the police..."

17. SummerTime1987

18. “Transphobic mother-in-law asks me about my legal name/gender marker change, gets mad that I make it all about me.”

18. “Transphobic mother-in-law asks me about my legal name/gender marker change, gets mad that I make it all about me.”redxrain86

19. Did you have a job with benefits?

19. Did you have a job with benefits?reddit.com

20. My mother in law eats one bite of a new banana every morning and leaves the rest on the counter "in case anyone wants one"

20. My mother in law eats one bite of a new banana every morning and leaves the rest on the counter Username_Used

21. "My Mother in Law. Always posting stuff like this then claiming it was an accident. This is in Australia where you can't take 2 steps without seeing the word Christmas"

21. Thealmightyfug

No doubt, we detest the stereotype of the "monstrous mother-in-law" since it seems quite sexist and doesn't ask for much in the way of empathy for the person who is the subject of the stereotype. These stories are what people have to share about their unstable relationships with their MILs.

But then, you have to keep in mind that no one has the whole picture, so don't draw any hasty judgments.
