Mother Bear Shows Carries Her Cubs On Her Back As They Cross A Lake

This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime moment!

Mother Bear Shows Carries Her Cubs On Her Back As They Cross A Lake

It is common knowledge that every loving and devoted mother will always do everything in her power to protect her babies from danger, and this heroic mother bear is no different. The majestic and dutiful animal was recently spotted swimming across a lake in Wisconsin with her offspring on her back.

The adorable bear family was not alone on the lake at that time of day, because many boaters had gathered at the lake. The scene was captured on camera by some of the witnesses, and it was nothing short of lovely and pleasing to the eyes.

Nelda Powers was one of the people who witnessed the once-in-a-lifetime event we're discussing. Nelda and her husband, Dan, were on a sunset cruise on the Chippewa Flowage with some friends when they spotted the mother bear and her tiny cubs crossing the lake on their mother's back.

"On one of our sunset cruises on the Chippewa Flowage in Sawyer County, Wisconsin, we came across an incredible scene," Nelda wrote on YouTube.

"A mama bear transports her three cubs across the water near Indian Trail Resort in safety."

The group was on the boat watching the sunset when they noticed some movement in the water. None of them had any idea what it might be, but soon as they got closer, low and behold, there were bears in the water, with the cubs on their mother’s back as she waded through the water.

The majestic animals was spotted carrying her offspring on her back as swimming across a lake in Wisconsin

The majestic animals was spotted carrying her offspring on her back as swimming across a lake in WisconsinNelda Powers

Boaters then watched in amazement as the mother bear managed to swim across the lake with all three of her babies on her back. Because she was focused on getting her cubs across the lake safely, the animals didn't seem scared or bothered by the people watching them.

A mama bear safely transporting her three cubs across the water near Indian Trail Resort

A mama bear safely transporting her three cubs across the water near Indian Trail ResortNelda Powers

Nonetheless, as soon as they reached dry land, they [the cubs] walked on their own into the woods with their mother. It was a breathtaking sight to behold, and it made their day watching the sunset on the boat that much more enjoyable and relaxing.

You can conclude that bears, in addition to being aggressive and very defensive when it comes to protecting their cubs, are also dutiful and meticulous.

The animals didn’t seem scared or bothers by the people that were watching them

The animals didn’t seem scared or bothers by the people that were watching themNelda Powers

It was a well-planned and carefully expected parade across the mucky lake. These animals can actually take good care of themselves and their young ones on their own.

Some of them are getting endangered day by day due to human activities like illegal hunting and climate change.

Take a look at the video below


Both wild and domesticated animals can never cease to amaze us all with their sense of responsibility and care towards their younger ones. Those bear cubs definitely would have found it totally impossible to cross that lake if not for the smart thinking of their dutiful mother.

We know you have different experiences with animals being responsible for their younger ones. So let us know your experiences in the comments section below.
