Teen Loses It With Her Mom For Trying To Put Cat Down Over Minor Issue
"I can’t be in the wrong for calling her out"

When your cat urinates on your bed, it's natural to become angry. It's annoying to have to wash it extra, and now you're concerned it might happen again.
Perhaps you even worry that your cat urinated on your bed out of spite because it's angry with you. Cats don't urinate on beds or anywhere other than the litter box out of rage or punishment.
Instead, stress and anxiety, as well as medical conditions, are frequently the causes of urinating on a bed rather than in the litter box. Normally, you have always to keep your cat's health in mind.
When a cat has a bladder infection or acute inflammation, it frequently urinates outside of its litter box, even on its owner's bed. It also does this when it is under a lot of stress or anxiety, as this can cause chemical imbalances in the body.
The best solution is to take your cat to the veterinarian for a checkup and not to put it down as OP's mom intended. They have a cat, which has been with them since the OP was in kindergarten.
Recently, the cat's been pissing on their beds in their rooms a lot. Because of this, OP's mom wants to put her down without even taking her to see a vet first.
The OP offered solutions that her mom had refused to do, and the OP lost them to her.
The headline

OP told her the simple solution to prevent the cat from doing this

The OP can’t be in the wrong for calling her mom out

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:
I talked to my mom more disrespectfully than i ever have because she wants to put our cat down. i’m not sure why it might make me an asshole, but i’m trying to see if I'm irrational for calling her out on that.
And the comments roll in...

Taking the cat to a vet

She clearly means a lot to the OP

That is not the answer

The OP left this in the comments section
I'm 19, planning on starting trade school soon. she’s literally never been to a vet since we got her. i don’t understand why her first thought is to put her down when she hasn’t even been checked out yet.
I'm not sure exactly what i'd need to take my cat to the vet but i could do some research
And the comments keep rolling in...

The OP should talk to the vet

Sliding scale based on income

The cat must be quite old

The OP is only 19 years of age and doesn’t have a job at the moment but she said she has some money in the bank that could save the cat's life if need be. The OP just needs to get her mom on board with this so she doesn’t end up putting the cat down anyways.
Redditors understood the OP as she was declared, not the AH. Share your thoughts about this story in the comments section below and share this article as well.