Mom Angry At Parents For Not Wanting To Watch Her Kids Even In Emergencies Simply Because They Disapprove Of Her Getting Pregnant Young
"They are great grandparents to my sister kids, bake cookies and everything with them"
- Published in Interesting
In families, there are often situations that test how close family members really are. This is a story about a mom who, like many others, looks to her parents for help and comfort.
But what happens when that help is hard to get, and the age difference between the generations causes a big problem? OP has two kids, one is 3 years old, and the other is 6.
She's having trouble with her parents. Her parents love being grandparents to her sister's kids, but when it comes to OP's children, things are different.
Why? Well, it all goes back to when OP had her first child at 18, a decision her parents really didn't like.
Recently, OP had a flat tire, and she needed to pick up her kids from daycare and school. But here's the catch: the daycare charges $5 for every minute you're late.
In a bit of a panic, she called her mom and asked if she could pick up the kids, explaining it was an emergency, and she couldn't afford to be late. But what happened next was quite unexpected.
Her mom said no, leaving OP in a really tough spot. This led to a big argument, and things got pretty ugly between them.
OP has two young kids, aged 3 and 6, and her parents are not interested in being involved as grandparents
RedditOP asked her mother for help due to the emergency, but she refused
RedditThey have no obligation to assist OP, and their unwillingness to change is evident
RedditOP should consider looking for someone else to take care of her children, maybe other mothers from the daycare
RedditOP's mother's behavior is unacceptable
RedditOP is not in the wrong for asking, but she should have hung up and sought help elsewhere or requested an emergency extension from her daycare.
RedditInstead of repeatedly seeking their help, OP needs to take proactive steps to establish a backup plan for future emergencies
RedditOP needs to prioritize her children's safety over financial worries like a flat tire
RedditOP needs to have a backup plan for her children's care in case of an emergency since her parents are unwilling to help
RedditThey abandoned OP when she needed them, and it seems like that won't change
RedditIt's clear that asking your parents for any kind of help or support is futile
RedditOP asked for a small favor, not full childcare
RedditFamily is all about sticking together and helping each other out, even if you don't always agree on everything. In tough times, that's when family should step up the most.
In OP's case, her parents didn't support her when she really needed it. It's like having a safety net, and when you fall, your family is supposed to catch you. But in her case, it felt like they just let her fall.
OP needs to recognize that relying on them is not a dependable option, so she must seek alternative solutions for unforeseen emergencies