Man Accidentally Turned His Pet Cat Into A "Monster" After One Mistake
Those who aren't familiar with cats may be surprised by this kitties turn to the dark-side
- Published in Animals
Cats aren’t generally known for being as silly and playful as dogs are. They have this persistent (albeit largely incorrect) stereotype of being aloof, cold, and lazy.
Any cat owner will happily bust those preconceived notions with stories about their own cats. Cat owners really love sharing about their cats, I know because not only do I have friends with many cat owners, but I am also one.
Many cats love to play with their owners, some like to chase or be chased, others like the usual cat toys like feather wands, and some even like to play fetch. (I have a fetch player and another who hasn’t quite figured out the return part of fetch.)
Some cats even enjoy a good old fashion wrestle, and can even manage to wrestle with their people without tearing them up. A Reddit user, Ser_Veaux accidentally discovered that his cat enjoyed roughhousing after play fighting with his dog.
In a post on r/TIFU, a Reddit community where Redditors share their mishaps for all to enjoy, mock or sympathize, Ser_Veaux shared how he found out his cat loves to roughhouse. And how that ended up turning her into a monster who aggressively demands rough and tumble play, and will not take ‘No’ for an answer.
The responses were mainly in solidarity with Ser_Veaux, sharing their own accidentally taught “bad” behaviors their cats have. Each one is as wholesome and funny as the next.
Keep scrolling to read the adorable story and some of the top comments.
This started a few months ago, but continues to this day
OP would never expect what he was getting himself into when he randomly thought, "let's roughhouse with the cat."
Ser_VeauxA real monster
OldTea5109Hangry cats aren't to be trifled with
giphyCats are quick to learn new things
LithamusAnything he can get his paws on to get some nummies
tenorBut extremely difficult to untrain
GarthVader45They're like little scientists testing gravity is all
tenorA monster for butt pats
Chozo-trainedAKA: Bum bongo
tenorI'm glad somebody took the time to point out how freaking adorable this TIFU is
Mediocre-Hedgehog619These kitties love spankings
Prestigious-Lion7669How I imagine Bill be like:
giphyThis kitty truly loves belly rubs
wannabejoanieIt's (not) a trap!
giphyKitty patiently worked for years to train her humans to give her belly rubs
GuardMarmotKitties have the softest bellies to rub
giphyCats definitely have their preferences
the-grimAnd they're not shy about letting you know
giphyTheir kitty wants all the pets
truisluvAll. The. Pets.
tenorBlack cats are truly a unique experience
pringles_697I've never met a "normal" black cat
giphyAs if OP's misfortune wasn't enough of a warning
According_Ad4146It's okay to learn from someone else's mistake
tenorA curious nighttime routine
CichlidsaremyjamBut it can be nice having some kitty company in the bathroom
tenorA lot of people think you need to be gentle with cats because they're so small
oil_moonI wonder if fluffing up a cat feels like a mini-massage
tenorA cat’s love language?
2amante10Do all cats need/want roughhousing?
giphyI've never heard of a ticklish cat
AlmostChristmasNowBut it would make sense, I hate overly gentle touches too
tenorClever cat
Purple_Ingenuity_302If it works, why change things
giphyI can only imagine how much their kitty loves being able to smell all the things
RebreskerMaybe not ALL the things...
giphyAh yes, cat yodeling
Mountain_moverThere are many ways to help support your cat with yodeling
gfycatIt's a bittersweet experience for this user
Jtx0741It can be a bit much to be constantly hunted
giphyMistakes were made
TrypMoleMake sure you have cat-safe plants!
tenorIt can be surprising how quickly cats can pick up on things. It’s been studied and cats are as smart and trainable as dogs, it’s just a matter of IF they want to be trained.
Do you have a cat that you’ve trained, whether purposefully or accidentally? Tell us all about them in the comments section below!
And be sure to share this with a fellow cat-lover.