This Thread Shows Extremely Embarrassing Moments Where People Miserably Missed The Joke

It's just too painful to watch.

  • Published in Funny
This Thread Shows Extremely Embarrassing Moments Where People Miserably Missed The Joke

Some jokes are just too subtle for people, your brain needs to be wired properly in order to understand some advanced jokes that are way out of most people's leagues.

There's a whole science behind making jokes, it's not something the average person can do, some people are born with that gift, and some simply can't grasp that concept because it just doesn't make any sense to them at all.

Being spontaneous and witty are internationally appreciated qualities, they make the person who has them much more interesting than the others and makes them stand out where ever they go.

1. This one is a set up

1. This one is a set upReddit

2. A literal body "builder"

2. A literal body Reddit

3. Captain Obvious To The Rescue!

3. Captain Obvious To The Rescue!Reddit

4. Always be positive

4. Always be positiveReddit

5. Is this real life

5. Is this real lifeReddit

6. There are so many different levels to this joke

6. There are so many different levels to this jokeReddit

7. Pack your bags and quit the internet

7. Pack your bags and quit the internetReddit

8. Not that smart apparently

8. Not that smart apparentlyBoredpanda

9. Out of the "Can't Identify This Color"

9. Out of the Boredpanda

10. Disappointment in one screenshot

10. Disappointment in one screenshotBoredpanda

11. You don't say?

11. You don't say?Boredpanda

12. It made perfect sense up until that point

12. It made perfect sense up until that pointBoredpanda

13. Internet Smart ass Vs Actual Astrophysicist

13. Internet Smart ass Vs Actual AstrophysicistBoredpanda

14. Point proven

14. Point provenBoredpanda

15. Nevermind

15. NevermindBoredpanda


16. WE WANT TO SEE TEDBoredpanda