Twitter Users Share Hilarious Mispronunciations Of Words We've Probably Also Said Wrong Our Whole Lives

The English language is a mess, but so are those of us who try to speak it.

  • Published in Funny
Twitter Users Share Hilarious Mispronunciations Of Words We've Probably Also Said Wrong Our Whole Lives

English isn't actually the hardest language to learn (Mandarin, Japanese, Russian and Finnish top the list of world's most difficult languages to learn,) but that doesn't mean it isn't a complete and total mess. Native English speakers can spend their entire lives learning the language and still mess it up every damn day. Sometimes the mistakes are huge. Other times, it's a few small words that escape you until you learn the hard way through public embarrassment that you've been saying it wrong your whole life!

Such was the case of a Twitter thread brought to us courtesy of Andree Lau, the Editor in Chief for Huffington Post Canada. When she asked the Twitter universe what words they realized they spend their lives mispronouncing, Twitter delivered with enthusiasm. Hilarious enthusiasm.

Thanks, Andree!

Thanks, Andree!Twitter

Where did this question come from?

The mouths of babes, naturally.

Where did this question come from?Twitter

I'm confused.

I'm confused.Twitter

It got worse, hilariously worse.

It got worse, hilariously worse.Twitter

I bet a lot of you can relate to this one.

I bet a lot of you can relate to this one.twitter



At least it was 6th grade and not college.

At least it was 6th grade and not college.twitter

This one ought to put a sly smirk on your faces.

This one ought to put a sly smirk on your faces.twitter

Complicated as heck.

Complicated as heck.twitter

People responded to that one!

People responded to that one!twitter





Hey, that's almost fair.

Hey, that's almost fair.twitter

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when this one was corrected.

I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when this one was corrected.twitter

He said butt.

He said butt.twitter

"I played along."


...The "t" is not silent??

...The twitter



No thanks, I'll pass.

No thanks, I'll pass.twitter

Well, a house is not a home without the meow.

But hey, cats are the best.

Well, a house is not a home without the meow.Twitter

Here's one many, many people are guilty of.

In fact, I'm very curious for y'all to sound off how you pronounced meme before you learned the truth!

Here's one many, many people are guilty of.twitter

Poor Andree.

Poor Andree.twitter

Today is one of those days where you might want to start putting your vocabulary into the google function that pronounces words for you...
