Millennials Explain Why Baby Boomers Don't Understand Their Employment Struggles

Dear old people: stop telling young people to "go get a job" when your generation made it near-impossible.

  • Published in Funny
Millennials Explain Why Baby Boomers Don't Understand Their Employment Struggles

We've all grown up hearing about the "generation gap." You know, the difference in beliefs, opinions and lifestyles between you and your parents and grandparents. It is unsurprising that there is a difference between generations; some people have a harder time than others accepting it though.

What was true for your parents and their generation, isn't always true for us. One of the areas this is especially true, is in terms of jobs and education. Older people just don't seem to understand that the economy is in a very different shape for us than it was when they were our age.

Millennials took to Tumblr to express some of their frustration when it came to job hunting.

It starts with a story from History class

It starts with a story from History classTumblr (via Bored Panda)

... it was literally THAT easy?!

... it was literally THAT easy?!Tumblr (via Bored Panda)

Ah, the joys of online applications.

Seriously, what is up with having to upload a copy of your resume AND having to input the very same information into an online form?

Ah, the joys of online applications.Tumblr (via Bored Panda)

The difference between old and young people is stark.

Here's another fun story my boss decided to slap my work phone number on all the ads we post looking

The difference between old and young people is stark.Tumblr (via Bored Panda)

Mind blown.

Mind blown.Tumblr (via Bored Panda)

"Go get a job" except you can't do that without experience and you can't get hired to get experience because you don't have experience?

It's pretty messed up.

Tumblr (via Bored Panda)