Millennials Share Things About Gen Z That That Confuse Them
"Why do the guys in your generation get haircuts that make them look like a head of broccoli?"

Every generation is unique and has its own quirks. Baby Boomers are no longer the largest living adult age group in the US; instead, it is the Millennials.
Generation X is anyone born between the years 1965 and 1980. Gen X is the generation that follows the baby boomers. baby boomers are anyone born between 1946 and 1964. Baby boomers are the generation of people born after World War II when the birth rate spiked.
Millennials, also known as Generation Y, were born between 1981 and 1996. Members of Gen Z, according to Beresford Research, were born between 1997 and 2012.
And there is a new generation in town - the current generation of people being born is Generation Alpha. Generation Alpha is from 2012 to 2024.
The precise borders of generations, which are analytical constructions, typically take time for professional and popular acceptance to evolve, however, it is commonly acknowledged that Millennials are defined as those who were born between 1981 and 1996.
These women and gentlemen are often adept at embracing change since they have lived through a period of significant change in technology, the economy, and business. They visit the library more often than any other age group, respect cooperation, and are naturally curious.
However, even though they accept changes well, there are some things they can’t understand about new generations. So, when a Redditor asked “Millennials, what confuses you about Gen Z?”, they jumped at the opportunity to share their opinions.
We’ve collected some of the most thought-provoking ones, and you are going to find them very interesting.
Just scroll down:
Someone asked:

Millennials are having troubles understanding this new generation

1. They have a strange sense of humor

2. These trends are crazy

3. Why?

Looking like you need help

Skipping the phase

You didn’t start this fire

Gen Z true celebrities?

Short-form content


Tide pods

Big, big sneakers

Emailing is hard for some people


Think ahead... Some day...

The TikTok

What does it mean?

Long time ago...

Oh, no, not the GIFs

Quit gaslighting

Broccoli heads

The bottom line is:
The United States has experienced significant cultural and sociological changes over the past 50 years, from the young adult years of the Silent Generation to those of the Millennial generation today. But now that the youngest Millennials are adults and they are viewing new generations in the same way older generations viewed them.
Who knows what Generation Z will think of Generation Alpha? It will be interesting to see.
But one thing is certain - the "That's not how we did in the old days" phrase will never disappear. It is in our nature to think that the old days were better.
But there is a simple and logical explanation - we were younger in the old days. And everything looks better when you are young.
Plain and simple.