MIL Gets Kicked Out And Banned From Meeting Newborn After Mom-To-Be Shockingly Uncovers Her Secret Fentanyl Indulgence

“I'm not letting a druggie touch my newborn, not even with a 6-foot pole!”

MIL Gets Kicked Out And Banned From Meeting Newborn After Mom-To-Be Shockingly Uncovers Her Secret  Fentanyl Indulgence

Our narrator (Original Poster) and her boyfriend found themselves on the edge of a thrilling adventure—parenthood! They whisked OP’s mother-in-law into town to share in the joy, and together, they all anticipated the arrival of the little one. 

Yet, on the sidelines, while OP and her boyfriend counted down to her due date, they were discreetly gearing up for something else.

The soon-to-be grandma was a woman with a complex history of addiction—we’re talking decades worth. OP was no stranger to the indelible marks addiction left on its victims, so from the moment her mother-in-law walked through the door, she braced herself for the inevitable and probably violent withdrawal phase.

Shockingly, nine days into her stay, there were no signs of distress. OP and her partner initially chucked it up due to dumb luck, but two days till the due date, it was mayhem.

Her boyfriend’s mom spiraled into a flurry of withdrawal symptoms: projectile vomiting and basically rotting away in their house.

It came to light that she had been secretly indulging in Fentanyl during her stay—right under their unsuspecting noses. The realization hit hard, especially considering the imminent arrival of their newborn.

In a cinematic twist, OP, fueled by frustration and a mama bear instinct, took charge. The flight was rebooked, and the boyfriend's mom was kicked out before labor began. 

Apart from the fact she was constantly hostile to OP during her stay, she couldn’t risk exposing her newborn to an unrepentant drug addict.

It was a bit of a bummer since the only reason she flew all the way was to meet the baby. Did OP take it too far by kicking her out?

The story in detail

The story in

Some background on the story

Some background on the

OP discovered that her MIL, rather than abstaining for this period, had been taking some pills behind their backs

OP discovered that her MIL, rather than abstaining for this period, had been taking some pills behind their

OP ended up rebooking her MIL’s flight before she goes into labor. She wasn’t willing to have an addict anywhere near her baby

OP ended up rebooking her MIL’s flight before she goes into labor. She wasn’t willing to have an addict anywhere near her

Important edit


Second edit


Third edit


Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:

“NTA, despite her past mistakes you were trying to give her a chance to be a part of the baby's life and she put you all in danger.”

“NTA, despite her past mistakes you were trying to give her a chance to be a part of the baby's life and she put you all in danger.”

“NTA for kicking MIL out but honestly not a smart decision to have brought her into your home in the first place.“

“NTA for kicking MIL out but honestly not a smart decision to have brought her into your home in the first place.“

“Were they just supposed to magically have the world's easiest set of withdrawals? That's hardly their fault.”

“Were they just supposed to magically have the world's easiest set of withdrawals? That's hardly their fault.”

“But honestly, you had an unrealistic high expectations for your MIL. You shouldn’t have invited her in the first place.“

“But honestly, you had an unrealistic high expectations for your MIL. You shouldn’t have invited her in the first place.“

“YTA… if she hadn't been clean thus far why are you flabbergasted she's not clean now?”

“YTA… if she hadn't been clean thus far why are you flabbergasted she's not clean now?”

OP only did what any good parent would, and Redditors couldn’t blame her for that. In fact, many agreed inviting her in the first place was a colossal misstep given her history.

Sometimes, creating a safe environment for a growing family involves making tough choices. OP did what had to be done.

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments.
