18 Posts About Crocs That Are Always Funny
Even though some people have come to their senses and stopped wearing crocs, they've shown there's still an abundance of uses for them

There are just a few things in life that you can depend on. Death is certain, so are the taxes. And crocs are funny. And you would think that that would stop as time goes by. Maybe people would, I don't know, stop wearing them?!
But no- they are still funny as hell. The people will disappear from the face of the Earth, the Universe will collapse, but they will still be funny.
Probably because the people that love them are pretty determined to wear them, and don’t care what others may think. And that is an endless source for good jokes.
We have collected some of them on the internet, we hope you will enjoy them.
1. This is so true.

2. But then again - ignorance is bliss.

3. In their natural habitat.

4. She was confused.

5. Just don’t do it.

6. Yeah, Brenda.

7. Tasty.

8. Some people like it hot.

9. Built for both.

10. He must be tired of this joke.

11. Maybe a little bit over the top.

12. Definitely over the top.

13. You have been warned.

14. Designed for the harshest environments.

15. Nobody.

16. Danger.

17. Essentials.

18. If they are good enough for Thor…
