Artist Uses Photoshop To Edit Cats Into Giant Surreal Pictures

Like if Godzilla was a cat... and had other zany adventures

  • Published in Animals
Artist Uses Photoshop To Edit Cats Into Giant Surreal Pictures

If you are a cat lover, there is a high chance that your camera roll is almost entirely full of cat pictures, and, often, this obsession may extend to cat-related decor in your home. But sometimes, it can get a little wacky!

This artist photoshops cats into giant creatures in cities and also edits cats to look a little monstrous. The artist's name is Matt McCarthy and he is an artistic genius.

Scroll through this selection of his best works, as well as his inspiration. Find his website,, Instagram account, and Etsy store linked.

In an interview with Bored Panda, Matt McCarthy said:

"The idea initially came to me as I was observing my own cats when they were playing with a bug that entered our house. I wondered how they would react if my wife and I were that small.

They're so sweet and cuddly that we tend to forget they're apex predators."

Mike Wazowski is that you?


Always watching

“I taught myself Photoshop through tutorials and practice. I previously used Photoshop as a drawing tool for my illustration work, so there was a shift in skills when I started using it to make manipulations.

I was drawn to digital collage because while I’d made paper collages in the past, I felt there were limitations to what I could create. Photoshop allowed me to bring the ideas I had in my head to life, and it’s become an indispensable tool.”

"Sometimes everything clicks and a picture comes together in an hour, and other times, I might have to wait months before I find the right cat or location. I enjoy the simplicity of two-part collages, but they depend heavily on the original photos working in harmony. I try to surround myself with as much source material as possible so that I’m ready to stumble upon something. I look through my folders of downloaded and scanned images of both locations and cats regularly waiting for those connections."


"I strive for uncanny surrealism. I want to make pictures that feel very familiar to the viewer, yet are slightly off."

One big leap for cats!

Traffic jam?

Big yawn!

“My favorite part of the creative process is the spark that comes when you find a connection between two pictures. I sift through thousands of photos of places and cats each week, so when two images click, it can sometimes feel like magic, like the cat has always belonged in that scene.

Being able to turn an idea into reality is satisfying, and then being able to share it with others who I think will enjoy it makes it all worthwhile.”


I see...

Gross, but imagine having to clean up after the giant cats!

Even big cats need a nap!

Insta famous!


The perfect size for a nap!

Scratching post!

Forget a dragon, this castle has a cat!

Two bodies are better than one?

These are so cool, right! Tell us your favourite in the comments!

Don't forget to follow for more incredible content over on Instagram @mrmattmccarthy!
