Teenager Seeks Advice Online On How To Ask His Math Teacher To Adopt Him, Redditors Term The Story Wholesome
"I really want to ask them to adopt me but am unsure of it"

The idea of being a foster parent can be somewhat scary if you are new to the foster care industry. Being a foster parent typically entails regular contact with the child's biological family as well as tight cooperation with a foster agency.
Foster children could also require particular psychological care. All of them are in the stressful situation of being separated from their birth families, and many come from abusive situations.
Additionally, foster parents typically care for the kids for a short period of time, which can be emotionally taxing. But then, this position can be extremely rewarding in addition to being demanding.
The best foster parents may even completely change the course of a child's life. The original poster of today's story is a fifteen-year-old who wants his math teacher to adopt him.
The OP's biological parents happen to be abusive alcoholics and drug addicts. They got arrested, and the OP was going to enter the foster system.
So he already told his math teacher about his struggles with his parents and about him going into foster care. Apparently, the math teacher jumped in, and she and her husband somehow became the OP's foster parents.
The OP absolutely loves living with them, and he feels like he has a true family for the first time. He wants something permanent but doesn't know how to go about it.
This is the title that kicks off the story

OP's parents got arrested and he was going to enter the foster system

The OP knows the foster system gives people money to take care of the child so maybe they would be better off just staying as foster parents

Redditors clearly had a lot to say as many found the entire story to be wholesome

From a math teacher who adopted a 15 year old student

This Redditor advices the OP to tell them these sweet words as it will mean a lot to them

The OP's foster parents might not be able to adopt him for various reasons

There's nothing wrong with the OP letting them know how he feels

There are some mean people who abuse the foster system for the money

The OP has found a home and family within that family

A babysitter whose parents died in a fire is this Redditor's closest sisters

From a former foster care parent who says that it is a long and difficult process

This Redditor is telling the OP something that he has to keep in mind

Good foster parents are aware that they have given a home to a youngster in need. Some redditors say that if the foster parents were to petition the court to adopt the OP, then termination of parental rights would be part of the adoption process.
What advice do you have to give the OP regarding his dilemma? Drop them below and share this post to get other people's opinions as well.